On 13 May 2009, at 03:23, Michael Hucka wrote:

Hi Oliver,

Thanks for your reply.
In the context of HCLSIG's charter, it might be interesting
to bring up the fact that SBML tries to be very supportive
of annotations and semantic web technologies.  (I know
Oliver is aware of the following, but for other people:) For
example, there is an explicit scheme in SBML for annotating
elements of a computational model with references to
(external) ontologies.  SBML specifies that these
annotations should be done using some basic RDF syntax.
There even exists a cool system, MIRIAM Resources
(http://www.ebi.ac.uk/miriam/), to help software systems
create links from model elements to (external) resources.

Does this semantic webishness help bring SBML closer to

MIchael, there's no question in my mind that HCLSIG is a perfectly find venue to discuss SBML and do HCLSIG style things elated to it.

That's distinct from the question whether HCLSIG can produce a recommendation based on SBML. It can't without a charter change because it (almost certainly) can't produce recommendations.


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