Hugh Glaser wrote:
Don't understand all this, but just making sure you know about:
But be careful; drugbank has sameAs to a lot of interventions, which is not
strictly correct, I understand.

I would seriously like to assume that since the LODD effort won the recent Triplification competition those anomalies would have been resolved. I haven't had time to check myself, but I desperately hope they've been resolved.


On 04/10/2009 20:56, "Jeni Tennison" <> wrote:

On 4 Oct 2009, at 20:31, John Madden wrote:
Depends on what you want to do, exactly. I think interlinking some
prevalent medical vocabularies to dbpedia entries is a wonderful
I was just looking at the statistics we have on UK hospital
episodes[1] which use ICD-10 to indicate the primary diagnosis related
to the episode. I'm intending to model the statistics using SKOVO[2].

I was hoping to locate existing Linked Data URIs for the diagnoses
that I could reuse rather than inventing our own (especially since
it's an international standard). Having extra information associated
with each of the diagnoses would be a bonus, since all I have from the
spreadsheets are the code and a preferred term (which include some
spelling mistakes from what I can see and certainly not all the
information that's available online).

Unfortunately from what I can tell the NCI Metathesaurus doesn't seem
to define URIs that are possible to construct based on the ICD-10
codes. Or it does and I haven't been able to find them. I'd be
grateful for any advice.

Would you be interested in talking to the HCLS Terminology group (I
chair it) about it on an upcoming Thursday morning call? I predict
you'd get a lot of interest and support -- even help, if you like.
If the above still sounds interesting, and provided the timing works,






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