This is a reminder that the next HCLS Terminology conference call is cheduled for today, THURSDAY, November 12, 2009.

Conference Details
      . Date of Call: Thursday November 12, 2009
. Time of Call: 1400h UTC (1000h U.S. Eastern Daylight Time, 1500h London, 1600h CET)
      . Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
      . Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)
      . Dial-In #: +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol, UK)
      . Participant Access Code: 8376# ("TERM")
      . IRC Channel: port 6665 channel #hcls2
        (see W3C IRC page for details, or see Web IRC*)
      . Duration: ~1 hour
      . Convener: Scott Marshall
      * Scribe: TBD

      . Status of AIDA project
      . SKOS?
M. Scott Marshall
Leiden University Medical Center / University of Amsterdam

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