I'm sorry Davide, but your description seems to put this stuff at an
unambiguous level, but we all know that's not true. The practitioners
may use a good fact base (in the uk it's a booklet called mims) but
when the scalpel hits, it's a judgement call. Wrapping such human
things into software isn't going to get us anywhere without careful
thought. I suppose what I'm saying is we have to allow for ignorance
in these systems, which is virtually impossible to express, even in

On 2 February 2010 02:54, Davide Zaccagnini <dav...@landcglobal.com> wrote:
> In a clinical IT system actionable data (diagnoses, allergies, medications 
> etc) are typically quite unambiguous at the application level. Similarly, 
> information in documents is almost always clear to a physician who reads it. 
> This is to say that for most clinical documents the ontology that can be 
> imposed to formalize meaning (SNOMED for instance) is typically stable and 
> well agreed upon. And so are the possible mappings from one ontology to 
> another, among those commonly used in healthcare. The story gets way more 
> complicated for data to be used in research, but the good news is that most 
> medical terminologies can be applied to a document with good chances that the 
> resulting graph will be understood, accepted and used by applications and 
> users. At least for the most commonly used clinical data.
> inb
> Davide
> -----Original Message-----
> From: public-semweb-lifesci-requ...@w3.org 
> [mailto:public-semweb-lifesci-requ...@w3.org] On Behalf Of Peter Ansell
> Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 6:41 PM
> To: Andrea Splendiani
> Cc: John Madden; w3c semweb HCLS; Eric Prud'hommeaux
> Subject: Re: When does a document acquire (web) semantics?
> I agree completely!
> Cheers,
> Peter
> On 2 February 2010 09:26, Andrea Splendiani
> <andrea.splendi...@bbsrc.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I think there are two aspects related to semantics.
>> One is interpretation (like: the world is flat by Mark). And this is in the 
>> ontology or, if you want, even in queries.
>> But there is also the fact that you "name" things when you expose a 
>> resource. The resource itself, or some info in more detail.
>> This naming is based on some common grounding without which you cannot apply 
>> ontologies or queries.
>> my 0.1 cents
>> ciao,
>> Andrea
>> On 1 Feb 2010, at 18:30, John Madden wrote:
>>> We had an interesting call in TERM today. One of the topics I would like to 
>>> boil down to the question "When does a document acquire its semantics?" or, 
>>> "when does a document come to mean something?"
>>> I argued the (admittedly intentionally) radical view that documents have no 
>>> semantics whatsoever until a reader performs an act of interpretation upon 
>>> the document, which in the Semantic Web world would be the same as 
>>> attributing an RDF/OWL graph to the document.
>>> Even if the author of the document attributes a a particular RDF/OWL graph 
>>> to her won document, I argued that this graph is not privileged in any way. 
>>> That others could justifiably argue that the author's own RDF/OWL graph is 
>>> incomplete, or flawed, or irrelevant, or even incorrect. And the same is 
>>> true of any subsequent interpreters (i.e. authors of RDF/OWL graphs that 
>>> purport to represent the "meaning" of the same document).
>>> Eric argued a really interesting point. He argued (and Eric, correct me if 
>>> I'm interpreting you wrong here), that semantics instead come into 
>>> existence (or perhaps *can* come into existence) at the point when somebody 
>>> executes a SPARQL query on a set of RDF/OWL graphs. That is to say, maybe 
>>> I'm wrong and semantics doesn't even come into existence when somebody 
>>> attributes an RDF/XML graph to a document; but rather it only comes into 
>>> existence when somebody queries across (possibly) many graphs of many 
>>> different people.
>>> What do you think?
>>> John
>> ---
>> Andrea Splendiani
>> Senior Bioinformatics Scientist
>> Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK
>> andrea.splendi...@bbsrc.ac.uk
>> +44(0)1582 763133 ext 2004


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