Dear Michael,

10 Pillars of Knowledge is an example of a systematic and comprehensive map
(or ontology) of human knowledge. In fact it is an ontology of human
knowledge major fields.

(Please note that the map is not in the public domain. Therefore, if you'll
decide to include it in your project, please let me know. Thanks).

If you have any comment on the map please feel free to share it with me.

All the best,


On 2/18/10, Michael F Uschold <> wrote:
>                       This message is about an effort you may wish to know
> about and hopefully contribute to.
>                       *
> *
>          *WHAT: **T*he  NeOn project <> is
> supporting an effort to collect high quality ontologies.
>  I invite you to submit one or more "exemplary 
> ontologies<>"
> to a growing catalog in the Ontology Design Patterns 
> Wiki<>.
>        Identify one or more ontologies that:
>    - you have significant knowledge or experience with,
>    - you regard as an excellent example of a "high quality" ontology
>    See: "What is an Exemplary 
> Ontology<>"
>  for
>    ideas about this; edit them if you wish.
> Can you or any of your colleagues think of exemplary ontologies to add to
> the catalog?   Think first about the ontologies you have used that are
> authored by others, rather than your own.
>        *WHY:  to make it easy for people to find good ontologies to draw
> inspiration from and to emulate.*
> * If you don't have much time, I will make it easier by talking you
> through it on the phone. I'm UscholdM on Skype.*
> *
> *
> *HOW: Quick Instructions:*
>    1. Visit *Ontology Design Patterns 
> Wiki*<>
>     (
>    2. Click the "*How to 
> register*<>" link at
>    lower left of the page; follow instructions to get a login name and
>    password.
>    ---Or paste: into
>    your browser
>    3. See: "*What is an Exemplary 
> Ontology*<>"
>    link for some criteria
>    ---Or paste: h
> ttp://<>
>  into
>    your browser
>    4. Visit *Exemplary Ontology 
> Catalogue*<> page
>    to make sure the ontology is not already there.
>    ---Or paste: into
>    your browser
>    5. Click the *Su**bmit a new Exemplary Ontology* button.
>    6. Fill out a form describing various aspects of the exemplary
>    ontology.  Key fields are:
>       1. *Name *of ontology
>       2. *Description (Short)*
>       3. *Purpose *of the ontology
>       4. *Justification *(why you think this is an exemplary ontology)
>       5. *URI *of where to find the ontology
>       6. *References  *One or more references to learn more.
> Thanks very much,
> Michael
> ======

Chaim Zins, PhD.
Knowledge Mapping Research, Jerusalem, Israel;
Visiting Professor at the Information Science Post-Graduate Program, São
Paulo State University (UNESP), Marilia, Brazil.
Mail: Chaim Zins
26 Hahaganah St, Jerusalem 97852, Israel;
Tel/Fax: 972-2-5816705
10 Pillars of Knowledge: Map of Human Knowledge

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