This is primarily directed at the TMO focused group.

I'd like to discuss how the relevance of this type of information in our model. 
Not necessarily that it appears in a news article, but the implications it may 
have for the what we cover in our ontology. Also, as we're using an AD use case 
in our paper.


Joanne S. Luciano, PhD                            Rensselaer Polytechnic 
Research Associate Professor                 110 8th Street, Winslow 2143
Tetherless World Constellation                Troy, NY 12180, USA 
Department of Computer Science            Email:
Office Tel. +1.518.276.4939                         Global Tel. +1.617.440.4364 
F.D.A. Sees Promise in Alzheimer’s Imaging Drug
Published: January 20, 2011
An advisory committee to the Food and Drug Administrationrecommended 
unanimously Thursday that the agency approve the first test — a brain scan — 
that can show the characteristic plaques ofAlzheimer’s disease in the brain of 
a living person. The approval was contingent on radiologists agreeing on what 
the scans say and doctors being trained in how to read the scans.

The F.D.A. usually follows advice from its advisory committees, and Alzheimer’s 
experts anticipated that the scans would be approved. The additional 
requirement would not be a big hurdle, said Dr. Daniel M. Skovronsky, chief 
executive of the company, Avid Radiopharmaceuticals, that applied to market the 
“We don’t know exactly what F.D.A. will want,” Dr. Skovronsky said. “But it 
should take months to generate this type of data, not years.”

The committee vote is “a very positive thing,” said Maria Carrillo, senior 
director of medical and scientific relations for the Alzheimer’s Association. 
“This is nothing but a positive for our families.”

More than five million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease.

Plaques are part of the criteria for having Alzheimer’s — if a person with 
memory problems does not have plaques, that person does not have Alzheimer’s. 
But without the scan, the only way to know if plaques were present is to do an 

Alzheimer’s specialists said they expected that if the scan were approved it 
would come into widespread use.

“This is a big deal,” said Dr. Pierre N. Tariot, director of the memory 
disorders center at the Banner Alzheimer’s Institute in Phoenix. Asked if he 
would be using the scans, Dr. Tariot replied, “Absolutely.”

Dr. Tariot is an investigator in studies by Avid, now a subsidiary of Eli Lilly 
& Company, and its competitors.

The approval would be for a dye that homes in on plaque in the brain, making it 
visible on PET scans. Such scans would be especially valuable in a common and 
troubling situation — trying to make a diagnosis when it is not clear whether a 
patient’s memory problems are a result of Alzheimer’s disease or something 
else. If a scan shows no plaque, the problems are not caused by Alzheimer’s and 
could be from tiny strokes or other diseases.

If a person has Alzheimer’s, though, there is as yet no treatment that can slow 
or reverse the disease, although new drugs are being tested that are intended 
to reduce plaque.

Nonetheless, doctors said, having a diagnosis is important for planning and for 
understanding what lies ahead. It also is important for family members to know 
because they are at increased risk if a mother or father, sister or brother has 
the disease. And people, they say, often want to know what is wrong with them, 
even when the news is bad.

The panel’s vote “has moved us a monumental step forward,” said Dr. Reisa 
Sperling, adding that with the scans “we will not just be guessing clinically.”

Dr. Sperling, director of the Center for Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment at 
Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, is an unpaid consultant to Avid 
Radiopharmaceuticals, which makes the dye, and said she paid her own way to 
speak at the F.D.A. meeting in White Oak, Md.

The question about interpreting the scans arose because in the Avid study, 
radiologists did not establish a firm cutoff point that would say whether a 
person had significant amounts of plaque. Instead they did a graded analysis. 
What is needed in practice is a set level that would say yes or no, and 
distinguish significant plaque accumulation from insignificant amounts. And the 
company must show that its cutoff points are accurate and that different 
radiologists assess the same scan in the same way.

Some people have plaque without having Alzheimer’s, so if a scan shows plaque, 
doctors will have to use their clinical judgment, taking into account a 
patient’s symptoms, in deciding what the scan results mean, noted Dr. P. Murali 
Doraiswamy, an Alzheimer’s researcher at Duke University and a clinical 
investigator in the Avid trial. But if a scan shows no plaque, the situation is 
simpler, Dr. Doraiswamy said. It means the doctor should focus on other causes 
for the symptoms.

“This technique will allow family doctors to feel confident ruling out 
Alzheimer’s,” he said. “Until now we had to guess whether someone had plaques.”

In 2008, an advisory committee to the F.D.A. said that in order for the dye to 
be approved for amyloid imaging, the company would have to show that the scans 
were detecting the same plaques as were found on autopsy.

Avid did that, using people at the end of life who agreed to be scanned and 
then to have brain autopsies. The company also tested young healthy people who, 
presumably, would not have amyloid plaque in their brains. The scans found no 
plaque in those younger subjects.

At the meeting Thursday, a parade of medical experts testified about the need 
for the scans. Dr. Norman Foster, a professor of neurology at the University of 
Utah, came at his own expense even though he is a consultant to GE Healthcare, 
which is developing its own brain scan for plaque, to urge approval of the Avid 

“Physicians currently have little confidence in their ability to determine the 
cause ofdementia, and as a result they often don’t even try,” Dr. Foster said. 
As a result, he said, families are left in limbo, unable to plan for the future 
if it is Alzheimer’s and, if it is not, delaying getting treatment.

“The preventable costs are enormous,” Dr. Foster said. “The emotional toll is 

He told of three patients he had seen in the past two weeks who would have 
benefited from a scan. One is a 70-year-old man with memory problems and 
depression. He was given a diagnosis of depression, but only after he continued 
to get worse over two years did it become clear that he most likely had 

“I wish I had had the ability to do an amyloid PET scan to allow an earlier 
diagnosis,” Dr. Foster said. Approval of the scan, he said, “would be a 
historic advance in neurology and in the daily management of patients with 
memory complaints.”

With the committee’s vote, Dr. Doraiswamy said, “It’s a landmark day for our 

A version of this article appeared in print on January 21, 2011, on page A1 of 
the New York edition.

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