Hi Mikel,

Thanks for joining us.

If you join our BioRDF call, we can discuss how to align our
representations of expression studies / microarray in RDF. It would be
good if our representation was informed by the one you are using in
your project Martin Kuiper.


On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 1:01 PM, Mikel Egaña Aranguren <meg...@fi.upm.es> wrote:
> Hi;
> My name is Mikel Egaña Aranguren, and I have just joined the HCLS IG on
> behalf of the UPM, Spain. Some of you already know me but a presentation is
> due, so that we can figure out in which areas of the HCLS IG I can be most
> useful.
> I got a BSc in biology by the University of Basque Country (2004), Spain,
> and then I completed an MSc in bioinformatics at the Univesity of
> Manchester, UK. After that I joined the BioHealth Informatics Group, also at
> the University of Manchester, and obtained my PhD on 2009, supervised by
> Robert Stevens, advised by Alan Rector and examined by Michel Dumontier and
> Andy Brass. My thesis was entitled "Role and Application of Ontology Design
> Patterns in Bio-ontologies" (By the way, you can buy it at
> http://amzn.to/kPzlfa, I'm a poor post-doc :-). After that I worked for the
> University of Murcia (Spain) during 2 months in the OGO project
> (http://miuras.inf.um.es/~ogo/). Since 14 February of 2011 I'm working in
> the Ontology Engineering Group (OEG) of the UPM (http://www.oeg-upm.net/),
> in Madrid, with a Marie Curie contract for a post-doc position for three
> years. You can see more detailed information about me, including
> publications, at http://mikeleganaaranguren.wordpress.com.
> During my short career I have been mainly working on the idea of developing
> best practices and methods so that biologists feel at ease with the
> subtetlies and power of OWL when it comes to build rich and functional
> biomedical ontologies. As part of that idea, I have done different things,
> ranging from building ontologies and semantic resources to building tools
> for bio-ontology development
> (http://mikeleganaaranguren.wordpress.com/projects/).
> Now that I'm working at the OEG I would like to take advantage of the
> know-how of the OEG in Linked Data and further my career on the Linked Open
> Data realm. As part of such development my main activity within the group
> has been to seek funding for LOD/Life Sciences projects, specially focused
> in environmental data.
> The lines I'm/I will be working on at the OEG can be summarised as:
> - Best practices for publishing LD: how to build/maintain bio-ontologies for
> LD, emergent vocabularies in the LOD cloud, inference for LD.
> - Using LD to publish environmental and biodiversity data.
> - Documenting antipatterns that appear when building bio-ontologies.
> The concrete projects I'm working on right now:
> - Hypothesis management with semantic technologies: in this project I'm
> collaborating with Martin Kuiper of the NTNU. We are setting up a system in
> which hypotheses are generated from microarray data and validated against
> the LOD cloud (And other resources) to "trim" the search space for further
> experimentation. We have submitted a poster to the bio-ontologies workshop.
> - Migrating the OGO system to the LOD cloud.
> - Applying the methods developed by Corcho et al [1] to detect antipatterns
> in biomedical ontologies.
> I also teach an OWL course in the 4th year of computer science degree here
> at UPM (As part of the Artificial Intelligence course).
> Looking forward to contribute to the group,
> Thanks
> Regardds
> [1] Catherine Roussey, Oscar Corcho, and Luis Manuel Vilches Blázquez. A
> catalogue of OWL ontology antipatterns. In Proceedings of the fifth
> international conference on Knowledge capture, K-CAP ’09, pages
> 205–206, New York, NY, USA, 2009. ACM.
> --
> Mikel Egaña Aranguren, PhD
> http://mikeleganaaranguren.com
> Marie Curie post-doc at Ontology Engineering Group, UPM
> http://www.oeg-upm.net/

M. Scott Marshall, W3C HCLS IG co-chair, http://www.w3.org/blog/hcls

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