> Apologies for cross-postings
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> http://informatics.mayo.edu/CNTRO/index.php/Events/MIXHS11
> First International Workshop on 
> Managing Interoperability and compleXity in Health Systems
> MIX-HS> '> 11
> October 28th, 2011, Glasgow, Scotland, U.K.  
> <http://www.cikm2011.org/glasgow> 
> in conjunction with the 
> 2Oth ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management  
> <http://www.cikm2011.org/> 
> CIKM 2011 <http://www.cikm2011.org/> 
> Workshop Theme and Topics 
> Managing Interoperability and Complexity in Health Systems, MIXHS> '> 11, 
> aims to be a forum focusing on the latest advances in bio-medical and 
> e-health knowledge and information management research. The workshop will 
> provide an opportunity for sharing practical experiences and best practices 
> in e-health information infrastructure development and management. It will 
> gather experts, researchers, system developers, practitioners and 
> policymakers designing and implementing solutions for managing clinical data 
> and integrating current and future electronic-health systems infrastructures. 
> Issues of biomedical data-mining in large heterogeneous clinical data-sets, 
> information retrieval and extraction in multiple medical repositories, the 
> management of complexity and the coherent update of knowledge in medicine, 
> clinical standards interoperability in distributed health systems and the 
> patient Electronic Health Record (EHR) are now becoming critical to 
> implementing enterprise and nationwide health systems. 
> Topics of interest will include knowledge management activities seeking to 
> address these issues by: (i) using clinical data mining, information 
> extraction and retrieval (ii) standardization of clinical classification 
> (i.e. International Classification of Diseases, ICD), large scale biomedical 
> terminologies and ontologies development (Systematized Nomenclature of 
> Medicine Clinical Terms, SNOMED CT), (iii) the standardization of clinical 
> information transfer formats (Health Level 7, HL7) and (iv) structuring of 
> clinical documents (Clinical Document Architecture, CDA) and the electronic 
> health records (EHR). 
> Topic of Interest include but are not limited to: 
> *     Bio-medical Data-Mining, Information retrieval and extraction and NLP 
> on biomedical text 
> *     Inference and statistical Models of diseases & Multi-morbidity 
> *     Clinical Information Retrieval, Management and Normalization 
> *     Medical Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Expert and Clinical 
> Decision Support Systems 
> *     Interoperability in Distributed healthcare Systems 
> *     Clinical Information Standards (e.g. HL7) Clinical Terminologies, 
> Classifications (e.g. ICD 10) and biomedical ontologies (e.g. SNOMED - CT) 
> *     Hospital Enterprise Information Management Systems, Electronic Health 
> Record, (EHR), Clinical Document Architecture 
> Challenges and Visions Track 
> In cooperation with the Computing Community Consortium (CCC), MIXHS 11 
> invites submissions to a special "Challenges and Visions" track. The emphasis 
> of this track will be on visionary ideas, long term challenges, and 
> opportunities in research that are outside of the current mainstream topics 
> of the field. 
> Submissions will be judged on the extent to which they expand the 
> possibilities and horizons of the field or challenge existing assumptions 
> prevalent in the field. 
> Submissions to this track should follow the same formatting guidelines as 
> submissions to the research track , but are limited to at most FOUR pages in 
> length for both submission and final publication. Accepted papers will be 
> published in the conference proceedings. 
> To encourage researchers to present truly visionary concepts, the CCC is 
> offering prizes for up to 3 top papers in this special track: first prize 
> $1000, second prize $750, and third prize $500, to be awarded as travel 
> grants. > 
> Submission 
> All the accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings and 
> published at ACM Digital Library: http://portal.acm.org/dl.cfm 
> Selected excellent papers will be invited for further refereeing for 
> publication on Journal of Biomedical Semantics <http://www.jbiomedsem.com/> . 
> We are welcome submissions in the following formats: 
> *     Full Research Paper Track (8 pages, ACM) 
> *     Short Paper Track for Challenges and Visions in Medical Informatics and 
> work in progress (4 pages, ACM) 
> All papers must be submitted in an electronic format which conforms to the 
> ACM proceedings style and submitted as PDF files. Please use the ACM 
> templates <http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates>  (the 
> "Option 2" style). 
> To submit your paper, go to 
> https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mixhs11 
> At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the workshop. 
> Information about registration is provided at CIKM 2011 Web page: 
> http://www.cikm2011.org/ 
> Workshop Schedule/Important Dates 
> *     Individual Workshop Papers Due: June 29, 2011 
> *     Notification of Acceptance: July 29, 2011 
> *     Camera Ready: August 12, 2011 (hard deadline for publication) 
> *     Submission to Journal Special Issue: 1st October 2011 
> *     Notification to Journal authors: 15 December 2011 
> Programme Chairs 
> Matt-Mouley Bouamrane 
> <http://www.gla.ac.uk/departments/generalpracticeprimarycare/ourstaff/matt-mouleybouamrane/>
>  , College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, 
> Scotland, U.K. email: Matt-Mouley.Bouamrane at glasgow.ac.uk 
> Cui Tao, <http://mayoresearch.mayo.edu/mayo/research/staff/Tao_C43.cfm>  
> Division of Biomedical Statistics and Informatics, College of Medicine, Mayo 
> Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.A, Tao.Cui at mayo.edu 
> International Technical Program Committee (Preliminary...) 
> *     Samina Abidi, Dalhousie University, Canada 
> *     Alberto Anguita-Sánchez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM, Spain 
> *     Erick Antezana, Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU, 
> Norway 
> *     Adam Dunn, University of New South Wales, Australia 
> *     Mikel Egaña-Aranguren, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM, Spain 
> *     Jesualdo Tomás Fernández-Breis, Universidad de Murcia, Spain 
> *     Robert Freimuth, Mayo Clinic, U.S.A 
> *     Miguel García Remesal, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM, Spain 
> *     Diana de la Iglesia, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM, Spain 
> *     Guoqian Jiang, Mayo Clinic, U.S.A 
> *     Alistair Lawson, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland, U.K. 
> *     Paea LePendu, Stanford University , U.S.A 
> *     Hongfang Liu, Mayo Clinic, U.S.A 
> *     Saturnino Luz, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Ireland 
> *     Frances Mair, University of Glasgow, Scotland, U.K. 
> *     Masood Masoodian, University of Waikato, New Zealand 
> *     Federica Paganelli, Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunications, Italy 
> *     Craig Parker, Intermountain Health Care, U.S.A 
> *     Jyotishman Pathak, Mayo Clinic, U.S.A. 
> *     Rafal Rak, University of Manchester, U.K. 
> *     Syed Sibte Raza-Abidi, Dalhousie University, Canada 
> *     Sunghwan Sohn, Mayo Clinic, U.S.A 
> *     Rafael Richards, John Hopkins, University, U.S.A. 
> *     Paul Taylor, University College London (UCL), U.K. 
> *     Fusheng Wang, Emory University, U.S.A. 
> *     Jim Zheng, Medical University of South Carolina, U.S.A. 

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