Dear all,

we are finalizing the organization of the 4th edition of the SWAT4LS Workshop 
(Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences), which will be most 
likely held in London, Dec. 7-9 2011.
For those of don't know it, you can have a look at last year workshop's program 
for an idea of the format and content (
This year we are aiming at having an hackathon day on Dec. 7th (we are 
discussing a co-organization with the Open Knowledge Foundation), a tutorial 
day on the 8th and a workshop day on the 9th.
We have chosen two venues in central london, a prestigious one for the 
workshop, and a big flexible one for tutorials/hackathon.

If you are interested in proposing a tutorial on Dec. 8th on the application of 
Semantic Web technologies in the Life Sciences, or on relevant Semantic Web 
technologies, please send a note to, possibly within this or 
the next week. We only need a couple of lines on the topic, intended audience 
and time needed at this stage.

Andrea Splendiani

Andrea Splendiani
Senior Bioinformatics Scientist
Centre for Mathematical and Computational Biology
+44(0)1582 763133 ext 2004

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