Very interesting pointers.

I was wondering whether you know if the slides of the B2PM conference
will be available?


On 7 June 2011 00:39, M. Scott Marshall <> wrote:
> It occurred to me that many people don't read blogs. So, to bring an HCLS
> blog to your attention:
> I recently had the good fortune of being invited to give a keynote at
> the Japanese Semantic Web conference, held at Keio University in beautiful
> city of Tokyo, Japan. The speaker before me, Tetsuro Toyoda, described how
> Semantic Web was being used at RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical
> Research). Many of these interesting activities can be found at RIKEN
> database, such as Semantic-JSON and Semantic Table. There was a healthy
> showing of commercial interest present at the conference, as well as a
> demonstration of a (Japanese) medical terminology system that made use of
> OWL and could provide English translations. I wish our Japanese colleagues a
> quick recovery from the recent earthquake and tsunami. Although Tokyo was
> not hit as hard as other areas, it has still been severely affected, with
> power blackouts causing many delays in a return to normality.
> After Tokyo, I traveled to beautiful city of Vancouver to speak at the Best
> Practices in Personalized Medicine Workshop, which was held as part of
> theHeart + Lung Research & Education FEST. The Semantic Web session where I
> spoke also had nicely complimentary talks from Xavier Lopez (Oracle) and
> Mark Wilkinson (UBC). At B2PM, Leroy Hood opened with a keynote expanding on
> P4 - his description of a new approach to medicine that is "powerfully
> predictive, personalized, preventative -- meaning we'll shift the focus to
> wellness -- and participatory" and described recent progress. B2PM attendees
> presented and discussed how to achieve the goals of personalized medicine.
> Many participants have expressed interest in making use of the established
> network to further the cause of personalized medicine.
> I have been learning about the Sentient Knowledge Explorer from IO
> Informatics. Knowledge Explorer has some very useful features and
> functionality that includes the generation of SPARQL queries from user
> selected sub-networks without requiring knowledge of SPARQL. A full
> description can be found at the W3C use case description "Case Study:
> Applied Semantic Knowledgebase for Detection of Patients at Risk of Organ
> Failure through Immune Rejection".
> Cheers,
> Scott
> --
> M. Scott Marshall, W3C HCLS IG co-chair,

  • HCLS blog M. Scott Marshall
    • Re: HCLS blog Erick Antezana

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