Hi again again. Since last we met, I pushed some documents around and
piled some words into others. The High Level Use Cases (AKA elevator
pitches) doc is now on the wiki:
The on-deck charter remains where it was:
Scott wrote up a brag sheet to show what we accomplished in this charter:
and I wrote a narrative version catering to pharmas:
Join me tomorrow at the usual time (11.00 EDT, 15.00Z)?

* Eric Prud'hommeaux <e...@w3.org> [2011-06-01 22:06-0400]
> Hi all again. Last week we had some good idea exchange about what we
> should put into the next HCLSIG charter, i.e. what we tell the world
> we are doing. We agreed that we weren't done and that we'd like to
> meet in one week. I invite all to meet tomorrow, Thursday 2 June.
> Details at the bottom of the message.
> * Eric Prud'hommeaux <e...@w3.org> [2011-05-23 23:04-0400]
> > Hi all, as some of you reallize, the charter ends at the end of this
> > month. I've been polling around to see what alternative formulations
> > would give us the most resources and impact. In the process, I wrote
> > up some of our high-level use cases (elevator speeches) to help us
> > approach the relevant parties in pharmas, health services and
> > research: <http://www.w3.org/2011/05/HCLSIGUseCases>.
> > 
> > I'd like to discuss the landscape and potential strategies with the
> > community. I'd particularly like to invite those who have been active
> > or see themselves as being active in the next incarnation of the group.
> > We'll discuss the current, fairly conservative draft charter
> > <http://www.w3.org/2011/05/HCLSIGCharter-proposal>, as well as ways to
> > optimize both its message and the paths for dissemination. An example
> > of a messaging alternative would be to characterize the HCLS IG work
> > in terms of e.g. overarching translational medicine use cases:
> > "
> >   The W3C Semantic Web in Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group
> >   focuses on translational medicine use cases. The group will continue
> >   the aggregation of cutting edge and traditional scientific knowledge
> >   to meet use cases for researchers, care givers, patients and
> >   regulatory agencies. Due to the scope and diversity of expertise
> >   required to meet translational needs, the HCLS IG work is broken
> >   down into discrete task forces focused on particular data
> >   acquisition, modeling and integration requirements:
> > 
> >   Terminology - identifying and integrating identifiers for biological
> >   processes, gross anatomy and medical procedures to promote
> >   unification of domain data.
> > 
> >   LODD - curation of compounds, clinical trials and outcomes.
> > 
> >   BioRDF - modeling of biological processes and actors.
> > 
> >   Scientific Discourse - representation and tracking of the changing
> >   landscape of scientific knowledge and the driving theora and
> >   experiments.
> > 
> >   Translational Medicine - the oversight and high-level ontology that
> >   connects these disciplines together in order to meet immediate and
> >   long term needs from pharma, health care and other vested parties.
> > "
> > . Perhaps you all have some other ideas about how to tell a story
> > about our work which will serve to both draw people to our work and
> > our products and to help already interested parties find the task
> > forces which interest them. I of course want to draw an optimal
> > balance between doing work which motivates the participants and
> > focusing on tasks which will accelerate education and adoption by
> > important organizations.
> > 
> > I'm sure you are all aware of my preference for technical work, but I
> > feel that this outreach can make us all ultimately more effective. I
> > will use the Thursday 26 May HCLS slot (11:00 EDT) to reach out to the
> > current HCLS IG community, and whomever else you folks elect to bring
> > along. Of course, I'll reserve extra teleconference slots, but please
> > RSVP to me privately so I can make a guess at how many ports to
> > reserve. Also, please provide what feedback you can before the
> > conference. Anything we take care of before will make the meeting more
> > efficient.
> > 
> > Conference Details
> > 
> > Date of Call:xThursday,xMayx26,x2011x
>                 Thursday, June 2, 2011
> > Time of Call: 11:00 am Eastern Time, 4 pm UK, 5 pm CET
> > Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
> > [Note: limited access to European dial in numbers below]
> > Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)
> > Dial-In #: +44.203.318.0479 (Bristol, UK)
> > Participant Access Code: 4257 ("HCLS")
> > IRC Channel: irc.w3.org port 6665 channel #HCLS (see W3C IRC page for
> > details, or see Web IRC), Quick Start: Use
> > http://www.mibbit.com/chat/?server=irc.w3.org:6665&channel=%23hcls for
> > IRC access.
> > Duration: ~1 hour
> > Convener: Eric Prud'hommeaux
> > Scribe: TBD
> > 
> > HCLS IG charter/strategy discussion
> > -- 
> > -ericP
> -- 
> -ericP


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