On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 09:06:47 -0700, Helena Deus <helenad...@gmail.com> wrote:

I thought the drugs we two individuals (instances of drugs).

     < :drugX rdf:type myshema:drug >

Here you are saying X is "type drug", asserting that "myschema:drug" is an OWL Class. Therefore...

    < myschema:drug owl:sameAs someother:drug >.

since we've already established that "myschema:drug" is a Class, then someother:drug must also be a Class... and therefore you are now OWL Full.

What would you recommend instead?

Make your drug class a subclass of the other drug class. You don't need to put additional restrictions on it, just subclass it.

...there may be better options, but that's what works for me :-)


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