[Apologies for cross-posting]

Deadline Extension: June 27, 2011

We have received multiple requests for an extension to the submission deadline 
for the Third Canadian Semantic Web Symposium (http://csws2011.uwaterloo.ca/). 
To accommodate these requests, we are extending the submission deadline to 27 
June 2011 and cordially invite you to submit your work to the symposium by the 
new deadline.

This year's symposium will be co-located with the Web Publishing of Scientific 
Data and Services Training Courses 
(http://sadiframework.org/training/WS2/index.html), which is organized by the 
C-BRASS Project - Canadian Bioinformatics Resources as Semantic Services - that 
is a CANARIE funded initiative. It will improve research efficiency by encoding 
'biological knowledge' into the web itself, reducing researchers' costs and 

Looking forward to meeting you in Vancouver in August!

CSWS'11 Organizers.

Christopher Baker, University of New Brunswick (Saint John)
Helen Chen, University of Waterloo

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