Dear all,

Today's BioRDF call with focus on aligning multiple genelist representations
(and their experimental context) derived from microarray experimental
results to improve integration of linked data represented using different
There are several things that need to be aligned before such integration is

1) Classes and properties; 2) Different URI used for identifying genes,
diseases, anatomical part, etc ; 3) Methods to transform the data when
statement values are not of the same datatype

We are currently dealing with three different represetantions of similar

a. RDF representation of genelists from the gene experession atlas
SPARQL endpoint at

b. RDF representation of Provenance of Microarray Experiments by the bioRDF
SPARQL endpoint at

c. RDF representation of microarrays and the raw .CEL files derived from
those experiments
SPARQL endpoint at

To answer the same competency questions from each of the endpoints, the
syntax of the SPARQL queries are necessarily different.
As an example for 1), consider the question "list all experiments".

in a) the question should be formulated as "?experiment        rdf:type
    <> . "
in b) the question should be formulated as "?experiment        rdf:type
     <> . "
in c) the quesion should be formulate as "?experiment        rdf:type
   <> ."

To solve and align these three we have prepared a table with the equivalent
classes and properties between the three representations (

For an  example of 2), we will have to link different gene identifiers in a)
and b) (NCBI gene id vs Ensembl gene id) and for an example of 3) data
transformation will be required before the datasets can be integrated since
in a. differential expression is encoded as "UP" or "DOWN" whereas in b.
differential expression encoded as fold change values (e.g. foldChange>0 <=>

We would be delighted if those of you who are interested in such matters
could join the call today with the purpose of helping us solve these
integration issues in microarray result representation.


On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 8:05 AM, M. Scott Marshall <
> wrote:

> Here is the reminder for today's BioRDF call:
> Conference Details
> Date of Call: Monday, July 11, 2011
> Time of Call: 11:00 am Eastern Time, 4 pm UK, 5 pm CET
> Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
> [Note: limited access to European dial in numbers below]
> Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)
> Dial-In #: +44.203.318.0479 (Bristol, UK)
> Participant Access Code: 4257 ("HCLS")
> IRC Channel: port 6665 channel #HCLS (see W3C IRC page for
> details, or see Web IRC), Quick Start: Use
> for
> IRC access.
> Duration: ~1 hour
> Convener: Helena Deus
> Scribe: TBD
> Agenda
> Discuss JBI article - Helena
> Microarray, Expression RDF, Progress on the W3C note - All
> Feedback to the new Gene Expression Atlas SPARQL endpoint - All
> --
> M. Scott Marshall, W3C HCLS IG co-chair,

Helena F. Deus
Post-Doctoral Researcher at DERI/NUIG

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