The following answers have been successfully submitted to 'Semantic Web
Summer School for Health Care/Life Sciences 27-30 Aug 2012' (Semantic Web
Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group) for Tom Morris.


                     What days do you plan to attend the meeting?

[ I will attend only on 27-28 August 2012 ] 
Comments (or a URI pointing to your comments): 

Meals requirements
We have no idea if you will be fed (depends on sponsorship), but if we find
some $$$, what are your meals requirements?

[ Omnivore (meat etc) ] 
Comments (or a URI pointing to your comments): 

Ninja skillz
Area of interest/expertise:

 * [ ] Health Care geek
 * [ ] Life Sciences geek
 * [ ] Pharmaceutical geek
 * [x] Semantic Web geek

I'm somewhat familiar with the technological aspects, but I'm interested in
getting an overview of the health care / pharma side of things.

I'm a committer on Google Refine and would be happy to do a quick
session/demo or answer questions on using it for data cleanup.

>From what organization do you hail?

Organization Name: Independent consultant
Organization Type: 

These answers were last modified on 21 August 2012 at 14:27:20 U.T.C.
by Tom Morris

Answers to this questionnaire can be set and changed at until


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