This is an interesting set of pages. 

One thing that confuses me about this web site is that, as far as I can
see, it apperas to use no semantic web technology; certainly trying to
mine the web pages shows no metadata describing what the document is
about. We tried searching for OGP, various forms of metatags, prism,
COINs and so on, using our Greycite (
tool, and found nothing. We've tried visual inspection as well -- not
easy as all the HTML is on one line -- and again can see nothing. Tried
content negotiation for RDF, but this returns HTML. Even the normally
reliable RSS feed fails because there isn't one.


Lee Feigenbaum <> writes:

> Hi everyone,
> Many of you may already have come across Semantic University
> <>, but I'd like to
> announce it to this community.
> Semantic University is a free, online resource for learning Semantic Web
> technologies. We've gotten some great feedback over the past few months, and
> we feel that it's one of the most accessible ways for both technical and
> non-technical people to start learning about semantics and the Semantic Web.
> For those of you who have seen Semantic University before, we've re-organized
> the content into general Semantic Web Landscape content and into specific
> technical tracks oriented around RDF, OWL/RDFS, SPARQL, and Semantic Web
> Design Patterns. I hope you'll check it out as we think it's now much easier
> to use to learn about the Semantic Web.
> Semantic University currently includes over 30 lessons, and we're continually
> preparing new content. We're also looking for additional writers to contribute
> new lessons, so please contact me if you'd be interested. I'd especially like
> to start including content specific to particular verticals, and HCLS would be
> a great starting place. Please let me know if you'd be interested in
> contributing!
> Current lessons include:
>  * An Introduction to the Semantic Web
> <>
>  * Semantic Web Misconceptions
> <>
>  * Semantic Web vs. Semantic Technologies
> <>
>  * RDF 101 <>
>  * SPARQL Nuts and Bolts
> <>
> ...and many more.
> Please enjoy & we welcome all feedback & suggestions.
> best,
> Lee

Phillip Lord,                           Phone: +44 (0) 191 222 7827
Lecturer in Bioinformatics,             Email:
School of Computing Science,   
Room 914 Claremont Tower,               skype: russet_apples
Newcastle University,                   msn:
NE1 7RU                                 twitter: phillord

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