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C A L L  - F O R - P A P E R S

Ninth International Conference on Data Integration in the Life Sciences
2013 (DILS2013)
Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec July 11-12, 2013.


The conference aim is to foster discussion, exchange, and innovation in
research and development in the areas of data integration and data
management for the life sciences. Researchers and professionals from
biology, medicine, computer science and engineering are invited to share
their knowledge and experience. The event is part of the Semantic Trilogy
2013 featuring:

    International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO 2013)
    Canadian Semantic Web Symposium (CSWS 2013)
    Data Integration in the Life Sciences (DILS 2013)

Topics of Interest:

DILS provides a forum for the discussion of various aspects of data
integration andmanagement in the life sciences, including challenges and
technical solutions to address them. Topics of interest include, but are
not limited to:

    Architectures and data management techniques for the life sciences
    Query processing and optimization for biological data
    Biological data sharing and update propagation
    Query formulation assistance for scientists
    Modeling of life sciences data
    Biomedical data integration issues in eScience
    Laboratory information management systems in biology (including
workflow systems)
    Quality assurance in integrated data repositories
    Biomedical metadata management (including provenance)
    Mining integrated life sciences data and text resources
    Standards for biomedical data integration and annotation
    Scientific results arising from innovative data integration solutions
    Exposing biomedical data for integration (APIs, Linked Open Data,
SPARQL endpoints)
    Data integration in clinical and translational research
    Integration of genotypic and phenotypic data
    Challenges and opportunities with "big data" in the life sciences
    Ethical, legal and social issues with biomedical data integration


All accepted submissions will be published as part of the Conference
Proceedings in Lecture Notes in
Bioinformatics, as part of Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Papers are to be prepared using
LNCS templates and submitted via EasyChair. Details will follow in the full
Call for Papers in December 2012

1. Long Research Paper (up to 15 pages) should satisfy the following
criteria: original research; novelty in
methodology and/or in research results; significant development with large
potential for impact; theoretical
soundness and/or strong evaluation through demonstration of utility in

2. Short Research Paper (up to 8 pages) should satisfy the following
criteria: original research; methodological soundness with either novel
methodology & application, or demonstrated improvement over existing
methods (with appropriate validation), or the use of existing methodology
but in novel application. Short papers are appropriate for applied research
or systems, or the development of new approaches.

3. Systems Paper (up to 4 pages) must describe the functionality,
availability, and an application of the system. The system itself must be
demonstrated at the conference.

4. Early Career Track (up to 8 pages) is to support the work of young
investigators. There will be an Early Career Track session for the
presentation of the papers. The ECT paper review and acceptance criteria
are the same as the short research papers. The staggered submission dates
allows submissions (from young investigators) that are not accepted as long
or short research papers to be revised and re-submitted; as well as allow
first time submissions from young investigators to the Early Career Track

5. Late Breaking Report (up to 2 pages) This track is for extended
abstracts of posters. A limited set of the peer-reviewed reports will be
selected to be presented as a flash talk. All reports must be presented as
posters. Late breaking reports should address a clearly defined problem
that is of interest to the DILS community. A late breaking report is
appropriate for interesting preliminary results; and systems updates.

6. Highlights (up to 500 words) This track highlights original
peer-reviewed research with significant impact on data integration research
or life sciences research that is published between May 1, 2012 and May 1,
2013. The submission is a short abstract highlighting the importance of the
work for the DILS community.  If the publication is not open access, then
the authors must make the paper available to the review committee.

Important dates:

1 February 2013:  Long and short research paper submission deadline
1 April 2013:        Notification of long and short paper acceptance
15 April 2013:      System and early career paper submission deadline
15 May 2013:      Notification of system and early career paper acceptance
20 May 2013:      Submission of late breaking reports and highlight-track
1 June 2013:       Notification of acceptance of late breaking reports and
highlight-track papers
15 June 2013:     Deadline for all camera-ready copies for the proceedings

Organizing Committee:

General Chairs
Christopher J. O. Baker (University of New Brunswick, Canada)
Greg Butler (Concordia University, New Brunswick, Canada)

Program Committee Chair
Igor Jurisica, (University of Toronto, Canada)

DILS Steering Committee
Sarah Cohen-Boulakia (LRI, University of Paris-Sud 11, France)
Graham Kemp (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Patrick Lambrix (Linköpings University, Sweden )
Ulf Leser (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany)
Paolo Missier (Newcastle University, UK)
Norman Paton (University of Manchester, UK)
Louiqa Raschid (University of Maryland, USA)
Erhard Rahm (University of Leipzig, Germany)

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