I believe Rescentris' CERF ELN did much of this.  It was publicly
available product launched prior to 2004.  The company has since been
bought, but with a bit of digging you could probably find the original

Kind Regards,

Jim Herber

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 4:44 AM, Mark Wilkinson <mark.wilkin...@upm.es> wrote:
> I have no words...
> http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2013/0030827.html
> Semantic Interoperability System for Medicinal Information
> United States Patent Application 20130030827
> M
> --
> Dr. Mark D. Wilkinson
> Isaac Peral Senior Researcher, Biological Informatics
> Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas UPM-INIA (CBGP)
> Campus Montegancedo,
> Autopista M-40 (Km 38)
> 28223-Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)

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