On 2013-04-01, at 3:40 PM, Chris Mungall <cjmung...@lbl.gov> wrote:
> VCF is convertible to GVF[4,5] which is a subset of GFF3 with additional 
> recommended metadata. It's supported by Ensembl, gbGap and others, and the 
> 1000genomes data is available in GVF[6].
> As GFF3 is convertible to RDF/OWL that uses FALDO and SO, it follows that GVF 
> is too (though the converter may need tweaking to take advantage of the 
> additional GVF metadata).
  GVF is convertible to RDF/OWL too now. Based on the GFF3-to-OWL converter, 
there are two ontologies and a Ruby gem for turning GFF3/GVF into RDF.

  Have a look at these ontologies: http://www.biointerchange.org/ontologies.html

  A manuscript about GFF3O/GVF1O has been freshly rejected (mostly because PLOS 
ONE does not appear to take technical papers), but I plan to resubmit a much 
shorter version somewhere else. The manuscript contains a complete workflow 
example from rewriting GVF into RDF via BioInterchange, verifying the RDF 
against GVF1O using HermiT, and loading/querying it in Sesame. If there is 
interest, then I can share to rejected manuscript with individuals after some 
chitchat, but since it is going to be rewritten and resubmitted, I will not 
share it publicly at this stage.

  Of course, GFF3O/GVF1O also make use of FALDO. Expressing genomic coordinates 
using FALDO is optional though, where BioInterchange currently uses the 
alternative "build in" GFF3O/GVF1O solution when rewriting GFF3/GVF files.


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