FYI - in case you would like to submit a software demo!

> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> ICBO 2013  Call for Participation
> 4th International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies 2013 (ICBO2013) 
> Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec
> July 7th - 9th 2013
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> 15 April 2013:                System, early career and workshop paper 
> submission deadline
> 01 May 2013:          Deadline for all camera-ready copies for the proceedings
> The conference aim is to foster discussion, exchange, and innovation in 
> research and development in the areas Biomedical Ontology. Researchers and 
> professionals from biology, medicine, computer science and engineering are 
> invited to share their knowledge and experience. The event is part of the 
> Semantic Trilogy 2013 featuring:
>        * International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO 2013)
>        * Canadian Semantic Web Symposium (CSWS 2013)
>        * Data Integration in the Life Sciences (DILS 2013) 
> web site:
> Topics
> Ontologies for biomedical research and clinical applications
> Reports on ontologies for, and their application in high throughput omics 
> data and systems biology, toxicology and environmental health, disorders, 
> diseases, phenotypes and physiology, genetic variation and pharmacogenomics, 
> translational research and personalized medicine, public health and 
> electronic health care are invited..
> Foundations and methodology
> Papers on foundational and methodological issues pertaining to biomedical 
> ontology are invited. Eligible topics are, though not limited to, the 
> following; knowledge representation and reasoning, philosophical foundations 
> of ontology, upper-level ontologies, topics in ontology engineering including 
> design and life cycle, methodologies for knowledge elicitation and capture, 
> ontology-oriented text mining techniques, ontology modularity, mapping, 
> merging, and alignment of ontologies, and ontology evaluation.
> Biomedical ontologies and the Semantic Web
> Research on formal representation of biomedical knowledge using RDF and OWL, 
> identifiers, mappings & normalization, biomedical research using linked data, 
> integration strategies using the linked open data cloud, visualization and 
> manipulation of ontology, federation of online resources, workflows and 
> semantic web services for biomedical knowledge discovery.
> Social aspects of biomedical ontologies
> Perspectives from biomedical ontologists on community standards, adoption, 
> and proliferation of semantics, use of semantic wikis, bio-curation & 
> crowdsourcing techniques, user engagement and feedback, semantic publishing 
> and provenance, governance, evolution and sustainability.
> Submissions
> All accepted submissions will be published as part of the Conference 
> Proceedings. Papers are to be prepared using templates (available on website) 
> and submitted via EasyChair. Details will follow in the full Call for Papers 
> in December 2012.
> 1. Long Research Paper (up to 6 pages) should satisfy the following criteria: 
> original research; novelty in methodology and/or in research results; 
> significant development with large potential for impact; theoretical 
> soundness and/or strong evaluation with demonstration of utility in 
> applications.
> 2. Short Research Paper (up to 4 pages) should satisfy the following 
> criteria: original research; methodological soundness with either novel 
> methodology & application, or demonstrated improvement over existing methods 
> (with appropriate validation), or the use of existing methodology but in 
> novel application. Short papers are appropriate for applied research or 
> systems, or the development of new approaches.
> 3. Systems Paper/Software demonstration (up to 2 pages) must describe the 
> functionality, availability, and an application of the system. The system 
> itself must be demonstrated at the conference.
> 4. Early Career Track (up to 4 pages) is to support the work of young 
> investigators.
> There will be an Early Career Track session for the presentation of the 
> papers. The ECT paper review and acceptance criteria are the same as the 
> short research papers. The staggered submission dates allows submissions 
> (from young investigators) that are not accepted as long or short research 
> papers to be revised and re-submitted; as well as allow first time 
> submissions from young investigators to the Early Career Track directly.
> 5. Late Breaking Report (1 page) This track is for extended abstracts of 
> posters. A limited set of the peer-reviewed reports will be selected to be 
> presented as a flash talk. All reports must be presented as posters. Late 
> breaking reports should address a clearly defined problem that is of interest 
> to the ICBO community. A late breaking report is appropriate for interesting 
> preliminary results; and systems updates.
> 6. Highlights (up to 500 words) This track highlights original peer-reviewed 
> research with significant impact on data integration research or life 
> sciences research that is published between May 1, 2012 and May 1, 2013. The 
> submission is a short abstract highlighting the importance of the work for 
> the ICBO community. If the publication is not open access, then the authors 
> must make the paper available to the review committee.
> 7. Workshops
> Workshops are half-day or full-day scientific events intended to provide a 
> forum for the discussion of a specific topic through individual paper 
> presentations. The workshop organizers will be responsible for advertising 
> the workshop and reviewing and selecting the contributions. Workshops can be 
> events focusing on a specific topic; they can also include interest group 
> meetings, or meetings designed to disseminate the results of a research 
> project on a specific topic.
> 8. Tutorials
> Tutorials are educational events. They may be either for a full day or for a 
> half day. They should focus on one specific topic presented by one or two 
> experts and involve interaction with the audience. Tutorials can include 
> hands-on training, in which case the proposal should specify the exact 
> requirements (laptops, software to install, etc.).
> Relevant dates
> 4 January 2013:       Workshop and tutorial proposal submission deadline
> 18 January 2013:      Notification of acceptance of workshops and tutorial 
> proposals
> 1 February 2013:      Conference (long & short) paper submission deadline
> 1 April 2013:                 Notification of conference paper acceptance 
> 15 April 2013:                System, early career and workshop paper 
> submission deadline
> 01 May 2013:          Deadline for all camera-ready copies for the proceedings
> 15 May 2013:          Notification of system, early career and workshop paper 
> acceptance
> 20 May 2013:          Submission of late breaking reports and highlight track 
> papers
> 1 June 2013:          Notification of acceptance of late breaking reports and 
> highlight-track papers
> 15 June 2013:                 Deadline for all camera-ready copies for the 
> proceedings
> Contact
> For more information or to offer sponsorship, please send us a note at
>          contact:
> Organizing Committee
> Co-Scientific Chair: Michel Dumontier
> Co-Scientific Chair: Christopher Baker
> Local Organizer: Gregory Butler
> Programme Chair: Robert Hoehndorf
> Workshop and Tutorial Chair: Chris Mungall
> Poster and Demonstration Chair: Trish Whetzel
> Proceedings and Special Issue Chair: Janna Hastings
> Early Career Chair: Melissa Haendel
> Sponsorship and Publicity Chair: Sivaram Arabandi 

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