I really did not want to disturb you with this but I had no one else to turn 
to. I'm in Antwerp, Belgium to see my cousin who lives there. He's critically 
ill and needs family support. He was diagnosed with (Acute Lymphoblastic 
Leukemia) - a type of Blood Cancer in 2005 and had been undergoing treatment 
since. The chemotherapy treatment was going fine until last week when the 
doctor noticed that the disease has relapsed and the only way he can survive is 
by undergoing a BMT (Bone Marrow Transplantation).
My sister whose marrow matched his has agreed to be the donor and he shall be 
undergoing the transplant soon at the Antwerp Medical Center Hospital Belgium . 
The estimate for the transplant is 7,000 POUNDS. I have already spent approx. 
4,000 POUNDS towards
his treatment. Since the amount is huge, I request you to lend out a helping 
hand and support me with a loan of 3,000 POUNDS. Since I don't know your 
financial status at the moment, any kind of help whatsoever will be deeply 
appreciated. Your help and support will give him a chance to live a normal life 
once again. There is nothing called small help, when the heart giving it, is 
big. Any amount will be accepted with gratitude and paid back after the surgery.
I will appreciate if you can help me send the money through Money Gram, since i 
can not get access to my bank account over here. Money Gram seems to be the 
safest and quickest option for now. Please be rest assured that you will have 
your money reimbursed to you immediately i return.
Charles Mead

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