[Apologies for cross-posting]

PhD Positions in Data Analytics for eHealth and Life Sciences

Academic, clinical and industrial communities often have difficulties on 
systematically analysing large volumes, heterogeneous and complex nature of 
clinical and biomedical datasets, and fully extract valuable information. The 
gap between data generation and data interpretation is increasing at an 
alarming rate in the biomedical and biological communities. In order to 
overcome the hindrance of analysing complex, heterogeneous, high-throughput 
datasets and reducing the gap of data generation and interpretation a 
designated computational infrastructure for managing and analysing big datasets 
is required.

The eHealth and Life Sciences Unit at the INSIGHT Centre for Data Analytics 
(previously known as Digital Enterprise Research Institute), National 
University of Ireland, Galway, invites applications for PhD positions in the 
area of Data Analytics for eHealth and Life Sciences domain. We plan to 
investigate some of the core challenges in developing a scalable, robust and 
reliable platform to integrate and analyse the associations between biomedical 
and biological datasets. We have currently open PhD positions in the following 
research areas:

Knowledge Representation & Integration: This is particularly targeted towards 
(1) ontology building for eHealth and Life Sciences domain: to build a 
consistent and unifying knowledge framework from several domain 
specific/proprietary/standard vocabularies, codes, and terminologies has been 
considered as one of the hardest challenge in the Life Sciences domain; and (2) 
ontology alignment for eHealth and Life Sciences domain: aligning Life Sciences 
artefacts represented at the various levels of granularity, structure, and 
purposes has been considered as an open research problem for computer 
scientists as well as the domain experts. The PhD candidate will work to 
address these challenges and develop next generation ontology building and 
alignment algorithms and tools for the eHealth and Life Sciences domain.

Data Integration & Analytics Infrastructure: This is targeted towards 
developing intelligent data integration and analytics modules, the PhD 
candidate will work towards addressing one or more topics of (1) efficient data 
curation methods (i.e., extract, transform, clean, align and store 
high-throughput clinical and biomedical datasets); (2) advanced data indexing 
and metadata processing system; (3) scalable & distributed query federation 
mechanism; (4) advanced algorithms to link Life sciences data sets from public 
and proprietary repositories; and (5) privacy and policy aware access  to 
sensitive clinical resources (e.g., genomic, electronic health records); and 
(6) advanced data visualisation tools for intuitive and summarised view of 
biological resources residing at disparate locations and repositories.


*        Four Years Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree in Computer 
Science/Information Technology/BioInformatics/Medical Informatics

*        Good knowledge of object-oriented design principles

*        Strong background in Java programming

Bonus Skills

*        Knowledge of large-scale distributed information systems and federated 
query processing

*        Knowledge of Biomedical/Biological/Medical domains

*        Knowledge of Database Systems

*        Knowledge of Semantic Web technologies and Linked Data

*        Knowledge of heterogeneous structured and semi-structured data formats 
e.g RDB, XML and RDF.

*        Knowledge of designing data visualisation tools e.g. mashups

Stipend: PhD scholarship stipend of 18,000 per year, no tax. The duration of 
the contract will be 3 years as a fully funded PhD.

Application procedure

Job Posting: 
Informal enquiries about these positions may be made to:
ratnesh.sa...@deri.org<mailto:ratnesh.sa...@deri.org>  (Dr. Ratnesh Sahay)

When applying, please use the same email addresses above and put "PhD Positions 
in Data Analytics for eHealth and Life Sciences" in the subject line of your 
email.  Candidates are requested to submit a cover letter and a CV (in PDF 
format). Candidates may also indicate preference for one of the two (Knowledge 
Representation & Integration, Data Integration & Analytics Infrastructure) 
areas in their cover letter.

Interviews will be carried over as soon as suitable candidates are identified, 
and the position needs to be filled as soon as possible. We expect the 
successful candidate to start at the earliest possible date, ideally in 
June-August 2014.

INSIGHT Centre for Data Analytics (previously DERI http://deri.ie/) 
http://www.insight-centre.org/ is a leading research institute in Semantic 
Web/Linked Data technologies that offers a stimulating, dynamic and 
multi-cultural research environment, excellent ties to research-groups 
worldwide, close collaboration with industrial partners and up-to-date 
infrastructure and resources.

Ratnesh Sahay, PhD

Unit Leader

e-health and Life Sciences

INSIGHT Centre for Data Analytics

NUI Galway, The DERI building

IDA Business Park, Lower Dangan


Tel: + 353 91 495253

Fax: + 353 91 495541

Web: http://www.ratneshsahay.org/

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