International Semantic Web in Practice Workshop (SWiP'14):
(with SKG'14) || August 25-29, 2014, Beijing, China

Since the vision of Semantic Web was proposed in 2001, it has attracted huge 
attention from both academic and industrial communities. After a decade of 
development, the theoretical research and tool support have achieved many 
exciting results.

Despite the success, the industrial uptake of semantic technologies is slower 
than people had expected.

Collocated with The 10th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge & 
Grids (SKG'14), SWiP'14 is a one-day workshop that provides a venue to present 
and discuss benefits, limitations, challenges and solution for the adoption of 
semantic technologies in various application domains.

We are confident that SWiP'14 will provide an open and stimulating environment 
that brings together researchers, developers and users from various fields to 
discuss goals, real-world experiences and prospects of the use of Semantic Web 
technologies in practice.

Subject Areas:
We invite contributions that concern the following areas (please keep in mind 
that this is not an exhaustive list):
*      Application of semantic technologies
*      Semantic Web tools and systems
*      Knowledge representation and reasoning
*      Query answering of semantic data
*      Generation and consumption of Linked Data
*      Semantic visualization
*      Semantic Web on the cloud
*      Semantic Web best practices
*      Semantic Web: limitation and future prospects

The SWiP Workshop welcomes electronic submissions in pdf format only. Two types 
of submissions are accepted:
*      Abstracts of up to 2 pages can be submitted prior to the workshop. High 
quality accepted abstracts will be invited to submit full papers of up to 8 
pages after the workshop.
*      Full papers of up to 8 pages and short papers of up to 4 pages can be 
submitted prior to the conference.
Please prepare your manuscripts in accordance to the IEEE guidelines: 
From the table provided on the IEEE webpage, please select the A4 template 
(last row).
We invite all prospective authors to submit their manuscripts via the SWiP 
portal, hosted on Easychair.

Workshop proceeding:
The workshop proceedings will be published as part of the SKG 2014 workshop 
proceedings, published by IEEE Conference Publishing Services (EI indexed). 
More information:

Pending journal approvals, selected papers from the workshop will be 
recommended for publication in journals Concurrency and Computation: Practice 
and Experience and Future Generation Computer Systems.

Important Dates:
Submission of Paper: June 30, 2014 (2-page abstracts, 4-page short, or 8-page 
full papers)
Notification: July 15, 2014
Registration: June 30 - August 10, 2014
Submission of Full Papers: September 30, 2014 (for 2-page abstracts only, after 
conference publication)
Notification: October 30, 2014
Camera Ready: November 20, 2014

Workshop Organizers:
General Chair: Hai Wang, Aston University, UK
Program Chair: Yuan-Fang Li, Monash University, AU

For enquiries, please contact or

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