Hi Hans,

(Apologies for dropping this earlier! :( But I'm glad that I noticed it now!)

I'm delighted to hear of your interest in contributing to the FHIR ontology. I've added you as one of the champions for that effort.

I'm not personally familiar with the work done on formalization of CDISC standards in Roche, but I would be interested to hear about it, and I imagine others would also if they are not already familiar with it. Will you be on Tuesday's call?


On 11/04/2014 09:01 AM, Hans Cools wrote:
Hi David,

I can contribute to the FHIR ontology and the ICD-11/ SNOMED.

Are you familiar with the work done on formalization of CDISC
standards in Roche?

Kind regards, Hans

On 02 Nov 2014, at 03:12, David Booth wrote:

Our first HL7 ITS RDF Subgroup call (jointly with W3C HCLS COI
group) will be Nov 4.  Unfortunately I will be unable to join this
call because I will be flying.  :(   Nonetheless, here are my
suggested agenda:

1. Remaining Logistics

Meeting minutes - Probably easiest to use W3C IRC
https://www.w3.org/wiki/IRC and the built-in scribe.perl minutes
generator: http://dev.w3.org/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm

Wiki - Use the HL7 ITS wiki?

San Antonio meeting reservation: Anything need to be done?

2. Discuss work topics

Have a champion of each potential work topic briefly explain
his/her vision of what he/she thinks should be done.  Take a straw
poll to see who is interested in working on each one.  Topics do
not necessarily have to compete; some could be done in parallel by
different people. Potential work topics mentioned so far:

FHIR ontology – Claude Nanjo / David Booth Project scope

ICD-11 and SNOMED – Claude Nanjo / David Booth Mark Musen
discussion of iCat and ICD-11 (Nov 11 Veterans Day)

Bridging VA, Intermountain and other models – eliminate
model/terminology distinction – Claude Nanjo

Collect use cases – Guoqian Jiang

PhUSE-FDA project (formerly called CDISC2RDF) – Charlie Mead


Any other agenda ideas?

Tuesdays, 11:00am Eastern US (Boston) time zone Zakim (W3C
teleconference bridge). Dial-In #: _+1.617.761.6200_ (Cambridge,
MA) VoIP address: _sip:zakim@voip.w3.org_
<mailto:sip%3aza...@voip.w3.org> Participant Access Code: 4257
("HCLS") IRC: _irc.w3.org_ <http://irc.w3.org/> port 6665 channel

Thanks, David Booth

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