* joshua phillips <joshua.phill...@semanticbits.com> [2014-11-26 10:10-0500]
> In the HL7 ITS RDF subgroup, the group identified some potential work
> projects. One of them was to evaluate C-CDA RDF representations. I believe
> Eric P. has already done some work in this area.

I created an XSLT which generates O-RIM from C-CDA. You can see the
product of it at <http://www.w3.org/2013/C-CDA/IJ.xml>. In theory, it
could render any document which had a PI like:
  <?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' 
but I haven't exercised it much so I don't know how brittle it is.

Lloyd gave me a punch list to fix up (stuff like fixing times to be
more general than just xsd:dateTime) but I don't think I've worked
through it yet.

> I am thinking of use cases that might help us evaluate the utility of this
> representation.
> I think it would be useful to look at how well such a representation might
> facilitate genomic discovery using EHR-linked data. For example, if we
> could use the DTSU HL7 Implementation Guide for CDA® Release 2: Genetic
> Testing Reports, Release 1
> <http://www.hl7.org/implement/standards/product_brief.cfm?product_id=292> to
> include genetic data in RDF representations of C-CDA documents, then we
> could evaluate how well we could identify genetic associations to disease
> using SPARQL queries, along the lines of what is described in [1].

I played just a bit with ShEx to transform
<http://www.w3.org/2013/C-CDA/IJ.ttl> to FHIR:
(look for "View GenR output")
If you view the GenR output, you'll see something like
_:ClinicalDoc_recordTarget0_player <a> <http://hl7/org/fhir/Patient>.
_:ClinicalDoc_recordTarget0_player <http://hl7/org/fhir/name> _:"name".
_:"name" <http://hl7/org/fhir/family> "Jones".
_:"name" <http://hl7/org/fhir/given> "Isabella".
_:ClinicalDoc_recordTarget0_player <http://hl7/org/fhir/gender> _:"gender".
_:"gender" <http://hl7/org/fhir/coding> _:"genderCoding".
_:"genderCoding" <http://hl7/org/fhir/system> "2.16.840.1.113883.5.1".
_:"genderCoding" <http://hl7/org/fhir/code> "F".
which gives an idea of what we can do for transforming O-RIM to FHIR.

> We might also evaluate how well such a representation would facilitate
> integration with other annotation sources - e.g. ClinVar.
> 1.
> http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1002823
> -- 
> Joshua Phillips
> SemanticBits, LLC
> 410.624.9155


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