Below is the abstract that I drafted for submission to the Health Datapalooza. Any feedback and comments within the next three hours (until 9pm Eastern US) would be appreciated, since the submission deadline is today.

The Yosemite Project: A Roadmap for Healthcare Information Interoperability

ABSTRACT (limit 1000 characters):
The Yosemite Project's mission is to achieve semantic
interoperability of all structured healthcare information, using
RDF as a universal information representation.  It articulates
an ambitious but realistic seven-point roadmap that allows
data to be exchanged using any standard format and vocabulary,
while enabling the data's meaning to be uniformly interpreted
in a machine processable way.

The approach has attracted the support of over 100 thought
leaders at the intersection of healthcare and information
science as the "best available candidate" for addressing
healthcare's information interoperability problem.
(See It also facilitates meaningful
linkage between diverse public and private datasets.

This session explains the rationale and two-pronged
strategy of the Yosemite Project, which leverages standards
whenever possible and automated translation when necessary.
Its relationship to the ONC's draft roadmap and progress to
date are also discussed.

David Booth

On 01/23/2015 04:19 PM, David Booth wrote:
On 01/23/2015 12:51 PM, Michel Dumontier wrote:
Hi folks,
  Just to let you know that today is the last day for submitting an
abstract to the health datapalooza

David, would you be interested in submitting something to describe the
groups efforts on the Yosemite project?

Yes, thanks for the reminder.  I'm working up an abstract to submit, and
I would love to get your and others' feedback and suggestions on it.
I'll post it to the list later today.

David Booth

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