NoISE 2015: Deadline extended to **22nd of March**
Workshop on Negative or Inconclusive rEsults in Semantic Web
@ESWC2015, Portoroz, Slovenia - June 1st, 2015

“Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors are destined 
to repeat them.” ‒ George Santayana

http://www.noise-workshop.org -  nois...@easychair.org - #NoISE2015

Every Semantic Web researcher has been there: you spend days of work, but the 
results just don not give the answer you were hoping for. The work ends up, 
like so many, part of the File Drawer Effect: they never get reported because 
of negative or inconclusive outcome. This occurs as a result of a publication 
bias towards positive results in Semantic Web. However, negative or 
inconclusive results are fundamental to the research process and can be just as 
valuable. This workshop provides a forum for such attempted approaches, 
methodologies, or implementations. Researchers are urged to report null, 
disappointing, or inconclusive attempts in the Semantic Web and Linked Open 
Data research field.

=== What will be discussed? ===

This workshop specifically targets sound works, thus, scientifically or 
technically relevant contributions, with negative or inconclusive results after 
an evaluation. We welcome submissions in, but not limited to, the following 

-  Applied research methodology in the context of Semantic Web and Linked Data 
that produces unexpected, inconclusive, provocative, or negative results.

-  Mismatches between theoretical designs (or properties) and experimental 
        •   Theoretical sound approaches that fail in implementation
        •   Approaches with wrong assumptions regarding Semantic Web technology

-  Generality limitations of solutions that help to advance the state of the 
        •   Solutions that only outperform the state-of the-art in a very 
specific context
        •   Papers that verify or refute results published in the past 
        •   Verified hypotheses from other areas (e.g., Databases, AI) that 
cannot be verified or equally good replicated using Semantic Web technologies

-  Novel groundbreaking ideas related to Semantic Web technologies whose 
implementation risks can not be estimated.

=== How can I participate? ===

We encourage both experienced community members and newcomers to share their 
insights, best practices, anecdotes, examples, and concrete experiences, while 
others provide questions, problems, use cases and experiences in this area. 
We offer various forms to participate in the workshop:

**Glorious failures**: 
Short or extended papers, up to 6 and 12 pages, respectively.
These papers should include: 
        a) description of used datasets; 
        b) research questions and hypotheses; 
        c) applied evaluation protocol, benchmarks or gold standards; and 
        d) the practiced statistical methods for result analysis. 
Authors are encouraged to explain the properties of the approach that support 
the observed negative results, and show that the results falsify the 
The focus is on methodology, rather than on problematic implementations.

Extended abstracts up to 2 pages that describe testimonies, short stories, 
experiences in a more informal fashion or technical/development issues that 
prevent the progress of the Semantic Web research. 

**Position Papers**: Extended abstracts up to 2 pages. 
Short essays describing your position on issues related to the workshop’s topic

**Abstracts** up to 1 page 
A short, but otherwise, free submission format that could include questions, 
proposals or or any other discussion topic relevant to be discussed during the 

All submissions need to explicitly discuss their relevance to the field. A 
focus on contributions to related works is desired.

=== Submission Guidelines and Publication ===

All papers will be formatted according to the LNCS format. Submissions can be 
realized through the easychair system at 
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=noise15. Accepted papers will be 
published online. More information about proceedings of the workshop will be 
announced soon. 
Important Dates
Submission deadline: **March 22, 2015** (extended)
Notifications: April 10, 2015
Camera ready version: April 17, 2015
Workshop: June 1, 2015

=== Workshop Chairs ===

Anastasia Dimou - Ghent university, iMinds, Multimedia Lab
Jacco van Ossenbruggen - CWI & VU Amsterdam
Maria-Esther Vidal - Universidad Simón Bolívar
Miel Vander Sande Ghent university - iMinds, Multimedia Lab

=== Programme Committee ===

Oscar Corcho - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Emanuele Della Valle - Politecnico di Milano
Stefan Dietze - L3S Research Center, Leibniz University Hanover
Yolanda Gil, University of Southern California.
Paul Groth - VU Amsterdam
Aidan Hogan - Universidad de Chile
Kjetil Kjernsmo - University of Oslo, Norway
Dimitris Kontokostas - AKSW, Leipzig
Spyros Kotoulas - IBM research
Christoph Lange - University of Bonn
Axel-C Ngonga Ngomo - AKSW
Rudi Studer - KIT
Pedro Szekely - ISI, USC
Frank Van Harmelen - VU Amsterdam
Ruben Verborgh - Ghent university, iMinds, Multimedia Lab
Eva Blomqvist - Linköping University
Jerome Euzenat - INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes 

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