Hi Tony,

There has been gradual work on this area for a while. OWLAPI-4 has
support for JSONLD, via the Rio APIs at this point [1]. Once that
OWLAPI version flows through to Protege (in Protege-5 hopefully) [2],
it should also support JSONLD.



[2] https://github.com/protegeproject/protege-owlapi/pull/3

On 25 March 2015 at 07:53, Anthony Mallia <amal...@edmondsci.com> wrote:
> David,
> Obviously this is an important discussion.
> Requirement 14 says the RDF instance (not FHIR XML or FHIR JSON) must be 
> capable of being opened without further modification. When the instance is 
> opened it is expected to form closure with the "Model" or Ontology of FHIR 
> which is exchanged previously.
> Thus the RDF wire formats for passing both the Resource Instance and the FHIR 
> Model must support the loading into a tool which must be able to infer or 
> calculate the type assignments between the instances and the model classes.
> We need to get to the short list of recommended RDF serializations which need 
> to be supported.
> Protégé currently supports:
> OWL Functional Syntax
> Manchester OWL Syntax
> Latex
> Turtle (no Turtle viewer in Protégé desktop)
> JSON-LD is not an option right now.
> Folks will have their favorites - I work mainly in Manchester Syntax since it 
> is the native language for expressions in Protégé.
> RDF/XML is probably the widest supported format. OWL Functional Syntax has 
> some logical grouping readability advantages.
> Others are keen on Turtle.
> In most cases it does not matter because the underlying RDF/RDFS/OWL gets 
> constructed regardless. However if we change the sample format every time it 
> is very confusing and requires some learn time to figure out.
> It would be good to narrow the list.
> Tony Mallia
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Booth [mailto:da...@dbooth.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 3:49 PM
> To: i...@lists.hl7.org; w3c semweb HCLS
> Subject: RDF information content and FHIR RDF requirement #14
> On today's teleconference some discussion arose around the intent behind 
> requirement 14 as it pertains to our FHIR RDF work:
> http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=FHIR_Ontology_Requirements#14._RDF_Quality
> [[
> 14. RDF Quality
> (MUST) Transformations into RDF must meet software quality checks including 
> ontological closure. The RDF instance which is transformed from FHIR XML or 
> FHIR JSON must be capable of being opened without further modification by 
> widely available tools including Protégé and the RDF must meet quality checks 
> including successful closure of graphs - all the links are understood by the 
> tool.
> ]]
> Apparently different people on the call interpreted this requirement 
> differently.  Some interpreted it as applying to FHIR serializations that are 
> transmitted on the wire; others interpreted it as applying to the underlying 
> RDF that the transmitted data represents, independent of serialization.  The 
> difference shows up when we consider different strategies for mapping FHIR 
> instance data to RDF.
> If we use a custom RDF mapping (Option 1 at 
> http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=FHIR_RDF_Mapping_-_Potential_Strategies
> )
> then the FHIR group might adopt an RDF serialization as a third format (in 
> addition to XML and JSON).  This means that FHIR servers may send RDF 
> serializations on the wire, and that RDF may be opened directly by standard 
> RDF tools.
> OTOH, if we use JSON-LD (such as Option 2 at the above URL) then FHIR servers 
> would be sending either XML or JSON-LD.  Those who receive FHIR instance data 
> in JSON-LD and want to interpret it as RDF might need to convert that JSON-LD 
> to a different RDF serialization to open it in their favorite RDF tools if 
> their favorite RDF tools do not already understand JSON-LD.  (JSON-LD is the 
> newest of W3C standard RDF
> serializations, and is not yet understood by all RDF tools.)   The
> concern -- if I've understood correctly -- is that this would force the
> *recipients* to do this translation, instead of having the server sending a 
> format that could be opened by all RDF tools directly.
> My own view is that, although I think there would be some benefit to 
> encouraging the use of RDF serializations on the wire, I doubt that the FHIR 
> group would agree to *requiring* FHIR servers to support an RDF 
> serialization.  It might be nice if they would, but I don't think it is 
> important to our efforts.  The goal of this sub-group is to facilitate the 
> use of RDF as a common semantic model for interpreting instance data that may 
> originate in any format, data model or vocabulary.  The purpose is to enable 
> data to be computable and semantically interoperable.
> Therefore what's important is just that we define a standard RDF
> *interpretation* for FHIR instance data, regardless of the serialization that 
> is used on the wire.  This standard RDF *interpretation* of FHIR instance 
> data must meet requirement #14, but a transformation may still be needed in 
> order to compute this RDF interpretation from a piece of FHIR XML, JSON or 
> other instance data.
> What do others think?
> BTW, one of the key strengths of RDF is that it is independent of data 
> formats or serializations.  *Any* data can be viewed as an RDF serialization 
> provided that a mapping has been defined from that data format into RDF.  
> That mapping can even be defined after the fact: the original data format 
> does not even need to have been designed with RDF in mind.  This is one of 
> the key features that enables RDF to act as a universal information 
> representation.
> David Booth

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