Lists aren't that bad anymore in SPARQL, now that property paths are


On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 4:25 PM David Booth <> wrote:

> In defining the RDF representation of FHIR data, we need to maintain
> element ordering in some cases, both because ordering can be
> semantically relevant (such as listing someone's preferred mailing
> address first in a list of addresses), and to support round-tripping of
> FHIR RDF data back to FHIR XML.  Because native rdf:Lists are difficult
> to query in SPARQL, we have talked about using some other list
> representation.  To inform our decision we would like to get input on
> people's preferences.  Here are the options we are considering:
>   Ordered List Ontology (OLO)
>   Collections Ontology (CO)
>   Simple List Conventions (SLC)
> To see how these three compare, the Simple List Conventions document at
> includes comparisons with OLO and CO, and an
> explanation of the difficulty of using native rdf:Lists in SPARQL.
> Please indicate your opinion here:
> Thanks!
> David Booth

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