yes I am ok


On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 6:25 AM, David Booth <> wrote:

> Attached is a slightly revised draft PSS, as edited on today's HL7/W3C RDF
> call.  Some key things to check:
>  - There was some discussion that this project might be more appropriately
> owned by the FHIR Infrastructure group, and co-sponsored by M&M and ITS,
> instead of being under ARB, though it is fine for it to start under ARB.
>  - We added some additional names to the Project Team: Grahame Grieve,
> Lloyd McKenzie and Rob Hausam.  Grahame was the only one whose name was
> added without being present, so I took an action to check: Grahame, are you
> okay with being listed as a Project Facilitator?
>  - Section 3.b Project Need uses the phrase "text links".  Lloyd, do you
> think that phrasing is adequate as is, or would you suggest a different
> phrasing?  (Lloyd had to drop before we got to review that part.)
>  - In Section 3.g a Target Date of Jan 2016 is listed.  There was some
> question about whether that is too ambitious or should be left as a good
> target.
> Unfortunately I neglected to turn on "track changes" before making
> modifications, but hopefully you can run a comparison to see the
> differences if necessary.  The previous version is here:
> Thanks!
> David Booth

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