---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Richard Holland, Pistoia Alliance <co...@pistoiaalliance.org>
Date: Tue, Jul 14, 2015, 14:31
Subject: Reminder (Tomorrow!): Sustaining translational data for secondary
use: a Pistoia Alliance Debates webinar invitation
To: M. Scott Marshall <mscottmarsh...@gmail.com>

           Reminder to register
for tomorrow's Pistoia Alliance Debates webinar on sustaining translational
data for secondary use.    View this email in your browser
Alliance Debates *(Tomorrow! Last chance to register.)* Sustaining
translational data for secondary use Wednesday 15th July 2015 @ 11am-midday

       Register for the Data Sustainability webinar

The growing amount of data generated in large scale translational medicine
collaborations (e.g: IMI U-BIOPRED, etc.) creates a new challenge for the
research community since there are no established publicly funded
repositories as in contrast to for example biological sequences or
molecular structures.

To enable secondary use of the wealth of such data sustainable repositories
are needed. In this debate we will discuss the basic premise, what are the
potential funding models, what are the technical challenges, and ethical,
legal and privacy considerations of such repositories.

This webinar will be chaired by *Sandor Szalma*, Head, Translational
Informatics & External Innovation at Janssen Research & Development LLC.

Panellists include:

   - *Lucila Ohno-Machado*, Professor of Medicine, Chair, Department of
   Biomedical Informatics, and Associate Dean for Informatics and Technology,
   at University of California San Diego
   - *Ilkka Lappalainen*, Variation Archive Project Leader at EMBL-EBI, and
   Visitor to the ELIXIR Directorate

*To attend the webinar, which will be held tomorrow, Wednesday 15th
July 2015 from 11am-midday EDT (8-9am PDT, 4-5pm UK, 5-6pm CET), please
click the button below.*
         Register for the Data Sustainability webinar
soon: Building a vibrant cBioPortal Community (webinar), Wednesday 22nd
July 2015, 11am-12.30pm EDT. Details on our website
soon: Pistoia Alliance US Conference, Philadelphia PA, USA, October
13th-14th 2015. Details on our website
© 2015 Pistoia Alliance, All rights reserved.*
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M. Scott Marshall, PhD
MAASTRO clinic, http://www.maastro.nl/en/1/77/strategy-plan.aspx

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