Julian Reschke wrote:

Jonas Sicking wrote:

Jonas Sicking wrote:

Hi All,

A couple of questions regarding the cross-site XHR proposal:

As detailed in http://wiki.mozilla.org/Cross_Site_XMLHttpRequest cross-site requests should alway have the headers set through setRequestHeader removed. This includes requests done after a redirect to a different server.

Oh, I was going to add to this. I plan on allowing "Accept" and "Accept-Language" to be set even for cross-site requests. Are there other headers that people think would be useful and safe to allow?

Could you point me to the rational for forbidding setting headers in the first place? HTTP headers are an important extension point (see for example APP "Slug"), but disallowing then completely seems to be a very drastic measure.

The only thing documented is the wiki.mozilla.org page linked above. The rationale is simply that allowing any random header (except for the small black-list in the spec) to be set in a HTTP GET request to any server is a big expansion of what browsers currently allow. Remember that these servers could be servers behind a firewall or servers where the user is logged in or has cookies set.

Rather than questioning why we're forbidding it, we asked, how would we know it's safe to allow it? And since we didn't know we opted for the safer path.

/ Jonas

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