On Jul 27, 2007, at 8:49 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Internet Explorer 7 supposedly introduced a new responseBody member for XMLHttpRequest that returns an array of unsigned integers. Likewise, send() now accepts such an argument. However, I've been unable to make it work. I'm planning to specify it as an Array of unsigned integers. Hopefully this will be compatible with whatever ES4 introduces for byte arrays.

I don't think it will be - a ByteArray is not an Array, in the current proposal. I think it would be better to either steal the ES4 ByteArray definition (it's not really tied to the rest of the language) or make up a custom interface for an octet sequence. An Array of unsigned integers is a very inefficient way to encode binary data, it will blow out the memory requirements by at least 4x.

My plan for send() is that if it's passed an Array which contains non-unsigned integers that those are converted to 0 and that unsigned integers larger than 255 are converted to 255.

Here again I think a real ByteArray type would work better, though I think allowing an Array in this case is also ok.

See http://developer.mozilla.org/es4/proposals/bytearray.html for details on the proposal.


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