Doug Schepers wrote:
Moreover, this is, in fact, what this WG was chartered to do regarding XHR:
"This deliverable should begin by documenting the existing XMLHttpRequest interface."

The question becomes, is IE's implementation to be considered canonical, or is it up to interpretation vis a vis later implementations (FF, Opera, Safari, et al)?

I remember that we started the XHR spec with this goal. However it pretty quickly became clear that we couldn't archive a useful subset of functionality that was compatible between all existing implementations.

I think in all cases we've tried to be as compatible with implementations as we could, but in cases where we couldn't we've had to compromise.

Pursuant to that, is there a way to document the existing behavior such that it does not make existing implementation retroactively "non-conforming"? Or that does not affect existing content? I don't know whether or not the existing specification meets these criteria, but I think that would be the best path forward.

I don't think doing that would be very useful as a spec. It would basically just be a brief tutorial of the various functions and their arguments. Something that there are plenty of on the web already.

/ Jonas

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