Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
* Daniel Glazman wrote:
1. congrats for this spec, I love it ; I can't count how many times in
   page or chrome script I am filtering out nodes that are not element

2. the ElementTraversal interface has a |childElementCount| attribute
   but misses access to an individual childElement based on its index.
   That would be really useful. Two solutions here :

   a. you remove the childElementCount attribute in favor of a

        readonly attribute NodeList    childElements;

      and that NodeList has all we need

It was the SVG Working Group that originally came up with the interface
and they, as I understand it, decided against having any NodeList in the
SVG Tiny 1.2 DOM. They rather introduced the interface to allow imple-
mentations to discard some nodes like comments and text nodes with only
white space while keeping compatibility with implementations that keep
them. I would imagine they would be unhappy with such a change.

I agree with Daniel here. I'm not really following your argument. Are we trying to keep compatibility with the SVG spec here? Is the interface as designed now 100% compatible with SVG?

If we're not 100% compatible with SVG, why would they oppose an improvement like the suggested one?

I don't see how having the suggested interface would affect if you can discard other nodes entirely or not, that seems to be more affected by the *other* interfaces in the various DOM specs (such as DOM L1 Core).

If we don't provide a way to grab elements by index I don't really see a purpose of the childElementCount attribute.

/ Jonas

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