Henri Sivonen wrote:
How often do people pick a single child by index (with a number know a priori) instead of iterating over children and testing each one for an interesting trait?
Let me turn the problem differently : NodeList and NamedNodeMap are the normal answers when we query a list of nodes, for instance through Document.getElementsByTagName() or Element.childNodes, why should this behave differently and why should the DOM be inconsistent here ? I must add that XPath also allows to select the nth child of a given element, that Selectors can do the same through |#myParent > :nth-child(n)|. Apparently querying the nth element child of an element is NOT that uncommon: http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg20124.html http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/f49c09bb901f7aa6 http://tinyurl.com/2wsxlc http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2007/01/24/whats-new-in-prototype-15.html?page=4 and the list is much longer. </Daniel>