On Jun 23, 2008, at 11:23 AM, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

Hi folks,

the agenda and logistics page for the meeting will be shortly available to working group members (Sunava, can you please ask your AC rep to ensure that you guys have joined by the time we have the meeting?).

I would like to request an additional agenda item. There is already a block of time for discussing Microsoft's feedback on XHR2+AC. I would like to request a separate block of time for discussion among those looking to implement or use XHR2+AC, so that we can come to rough consensus on the key remaining open issues.

Since Microsoft has announced that they plan to stick with XDR (<http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2008/06/23/securing-cross-site-xmlhttprequest.aspx >), I assume they are not interested in being part of this consensus. But I still think we need to have this item on the agenda, and of course representatives from Microsoft are welcome to observe this discussion.

With XHR2+AC implementations in progress in the WebKit and Gecko engines, we need to make sure that we are on track to deliver a secure and interoperable solution in upcoming releases.

Perhaps we could devote a day or half day to this topic, rather than devoting 2 days to XHR1 issues. Perhaps (given Microsoft's request) we can discuss Microsoft's feedback on Tuesday, XHR2+AC issues on Wednesday, and XHR1 issues on Thursday.


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