Below is the agenda for the August 21 Widgets Voice Conference (VC).


  Time: 07:00 Boston; 13:00 Paris; 20:00 Tokyo; 21:00 Brisbane
  Duration = 60 minutes
  Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 9231 ("WAF1")
  IRC channel = #wam;
  Confidentiality of minutes = Public


  Widgets Requirements LC:
  Disposition of Comments for Requirements LC:
< reqs-20080625>


1. Review Agenda

2. Announcements

a. Turin f2f meeting agenda updated:


3. Comments from Krzysztof on the Requirements LC:

Krzy: < 2008JulSep/0267.html> Marcos: < 2008JulSep/0327.html>

Note to WG Members - if you disagree with any of Marcos' responses, please reply to public-webapps before this VC begins

4. Comments from Benoit on the Requirements LC:

Benoit: < 2008JulSep/0281.html> Marcos: < 2008JulSep/0294.html>

Note to WG Members - if you disagree with any of Marcos' responses, please reply to public-webapps before this VC begins

6. AOB

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