This issue has been closed, based on the WG's agreement on August 26.
Please see the following for details:
-Regards, Art Barstow
On Jun 27, 2008, at 12:30 AM, ext Web Applications Working Group
Issue Tracker wrote:
ISSUE-21: should Widgets 1.0 allow fallback for <content> element?
Raised by: Marcos Caceres
On product: Widgets
Currently, only one <content> element is allowed in a configuration
document. This means that authors can't point to alternative
representations of their widgets. For example, I might want to load
a flash version, and, failing that I might want to load a HTML
version. this could maybe be solved by allowing something similar to:
<content src="someFile" type="some/mediaType">
<content src="someOtherFile"type="text/html"/>