Anne van Kesteren wrote:

For when I next edit this draft (hopefully soon):

 * Origin header shouldn't point to the origin definition.

 * Exception codes need to be changed. (See XMLHTttpRequest Level 1.)

 * Upload notifications should work non same origin as well.

* Download notifications should work non same origin as well most likely, even readyState == 2 can work now the processing instruction is gone as far as I can tell.

There are two further features I'd like to see added to XHR, hopefully in the XHR2 timeframe:

1. A timeout property like the one on microsofts XDR. I haven't looked
   into the specifics of XDRs property, but I would think that an
   'abort' event should fire as well as readystate transitioning to
   something if the timeout is reached.

2. A .responseJSON property. This would return the same thing as the
   following code:

   if (xhr.readyState != 4) {
     return null;
   return JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);

   However there are a few details that can be quibbled about:
   a) Should a partial result be returned during readystate 3
   b) If the property is gotten multiple times, should that return the
      same or a new object every time.

/ Jonas

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