WebApps WG Members - this is a Call for Consensus (CfC) to publish the Element Traversal errata as proposed by Cameron:

<http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009JanMar/ 0168.html>

As with all of our CfCs, positive response is preferred and encouraged and silence will be assumed to be assent. The deadline for comments is Feb 2.

-Regards, Art Barstow

Begin forwarded message:

From: ext Cameron McCormack <c...@mcc.id.au>
Date: January 22, 2009 11:51:09 PM EST
To: "public-webapps@w3.org" <public-webapps@w3.org>
Cc: "Barstow Art (Nokia-CIC/Boston)" <art.bars...@nokia.com>, "cha...@opera.com" <cha...@opera.com>, "schep...@w3.org" <schep...@w3.org>
Subject: Publishing Element Traversal errata

Hello WG.

Since there were no objections to the idea of publishing an erratum to
solve the issue with the Element Traversal binding licensing, I’ve
created a candidate errata page:

http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/ElementTraversal/REC- ElementTraversal-20081222-errata.html

along with two zip files:

http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/ElementTraversal/ElementTraversal- idl.zip The IDL in here has some extra OMG IDLness around it, to be consistent
  with the DOM specs’ IDL.

http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/ElementTraversal/ElementTraversal- java-binding.zip The java file in here has Javadoc comments with text adapted from the
  spec, as requested by Michael.

Those two zip files have a COPYRIGHT.html file which is just the same as the one from the DOM Level 3 Core zip files, but with the copyright date updated. So notably, this includes the extra clause about not modifying
the Java package name, etc.

The erratum has three parts:

  * It updates the SotD section to add the extra licensing clause.

  * It updates the IDL section to link to the proposed IDL zip file.

* It updates the Java section to link to the proposed Java binding zip

I expect the zip files will need to be installed somewhere in W3C date
space. I’ve guessed URLs for the two zip files (since they need to be
referenced from the erratum text):


Art/Charles, I assume we need to have a vote for proposed errata, as
with spec transitions. Unless you can see a reason not to, can you put
this to a vote?



Cameron McCormack ≝ http://mcc.id.au/

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