On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 6:27 PM, Marcin Hanclik
<marcin.hanc...@access-company.com> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
>>>"Implementations that store the content of widget archives to the file 
>>>>>system during signature verification MUST NOT trust any path components of 
>>>>>file names present in the archive, to avoid overwriting of arbitrary files 
>>>>>during signature verification."
>>>{Comment] I don't understand this sentence - which may well be a problem 
>>>>>with my understanding rather than the sentence - please can you enlighten 
>>>>>me, thanks.
> I assume it is as follows:
> 1. Imagine the WUA is processing a widget archive, i.e. a zip file where each 
> file has its associate relative path.
> ZIP spec contains the following text:
> file name: (Variable)
>          The name of the file, with optional relative path.
>          The path stored should not contain a drive or
>          device letter, or a leading slash.
> I.e. the path may be virtually any string.

Yep. Don't know if this helps, but in the packaging we define the
notion of a "file entry", which is essentially, the file name (path),
and the compressed data.

> 2. Prior to signature verification the archive is untrusted.

right. In the packaging spec, we call this a potential zip archive and
a potential widget archive, IIRC.

> 3. Next, let's assume WUA is configured to store the temporary files from the 
> widget archive (storage may be necessary for devices with limited RAM) in a 
> folder like C:/widgetplayer (e.g. on Win32/WinCE).
> 4. Then a file from a widget archive could have a path like "../windows/XXX".
> 5. As for me the text says that the path should be ignored when processing 
> the signature to prevent WUA from storing the files e.g. in a sensitive 
> folder like "c:/windows/" as it could be the case when combining the above 
> paths.

This sounds like an implementation detail. A warning note to
implementers should be sufficient to address this.

Marcos Caceres

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