Please take a look at the FPWD of XML Signature 1.1 which describes the use of Elliptic Curve algorithms in the context of XML Signature:

Ideally widgets signature should just reference XML Signature 1.1 algorithms.

I also note that the XML Security WG continues to refine XML Signature 1.1 and is looking for feedback.


regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

On Mar 19, 2009, at 6:17 AM, ext Hillebrand, Rainer wrote:

Dear Art,

May I give feedback on an old action item regarding the preference for ECDSA vs. DSA. I hope that T-Mobile's position statement is not too late.

T-Mobile favors ECDSA. DSA has no advantage regarding speed and memory consumption against the classic RSA. ECDSA improves the security level.

Please note that ECDSA supports prime field cases and binary field cases. Especially the binary field cases are covered by patents.

Due to the fact that different parameters for the elliptic curves can be used or are standardized, these parameters are relevant too. The NIST recommends fifteen elliptic curves (five prime curves and ten binary curves, see also . The so-called Brainpool curves are preferred in Germany (see also .

Best Regards,


T-Mobile International
Terminal Technology
Rainer Hillebrand
Head of Terminal Security
Landgrabenweg 151, D-53227 Bonn

+49 171 5211056 (My T-Mobile)
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