The minutes from the March 19 Widgets voice conference are available at the following and copied below:


WG Members - if you have any comments, corrections, etc., please send them to the public-webapps mail list before 26 March 2009 (the next Widgets voice conference); otherwise these minutes will be considered Approved.

-Regards, Art Barstow



                               - DRAFT -

                       Widgets Voice Conference

19 Mar 2009


[2] 2009JanMar/0815.html

   See also: [3]IRC log



          Art, Frederick, Dan, Andy, Andrew, David, Mike, Thomas,
          Bryan, Marcos, Arve, Benoit, Robin




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Review and tweak agenda
         2. [6]Announcements
         3. [7]DigSig: no longer require the first signature to be
         4. [8]DigSig: Remove DSAwithSHA1 requirement? Status of
            requirement R47 (Section 2)?
         5. [9]DigSig: Suggest removing the restatement of algorithm
            requirements in section 7.1, specifically remove #5a and
         6. [10]DigSig: reference widgets packaging zip relative path
         7. [11]DigSig: Are we ready to approve the publication of a
            new WD?
         8. [12]P&C spec: should the config file be mandatory?
         9. [13]P&C: <option>s on <feature>s
        10. [14]P&C spec: status of P&C LC comment handling; next steps
     * [15]Summary of Action Items

   <scribe> ScribeNick: ArtB

   <scribe> Scribe: Art

   <Marcos> [IPcaller] jjjis

   <Marcos> argh

   <Marcos> zaki, [IPcaller] is me

   <Marcos> bha

   <Marcos> bah

   Date: 19 March 2009

Review and tweak agenda

   AB: draft agenda published on March 18:
   ... Since then, Frederick proposed some agenda changes via
   31.html ; we will accept those that intersect the original agenda;
   add e.; skip the editorial points (f., g., h.)
   ... There is also a proposal by Marcos to add a new <option> element
   816.html) that will be added to the agenda.
   ... Are there any other change requests?

[16] 2009JanMar/0815.html [17] 2009JanMar/0831.html [18] 2009JanMar/0816.html)


   Benoit: what about RSS?

   AB: not today

   David: what about the PAG?

   AB: I have no new info about the PAG

   MS: it is being set up; I am responsible for setting it up; I have a
   draft charter
   ... will go to W3M soon if hasn't been done already
   ... hope to get the annoucement out RSN
   ... some logistics still be worked out

   David: PP says AC reps need to get involved; would appreciate an

   MS: I don't have much more to add; nothing surprising; can look at
   the REX PAG for an example

   David: we weren't members then

   TLR: we will give plenty of advance notice


   AB: any short announcements? I don't have any.

   David: BONDI review period ends March 23

DigSig: no longer require the first signature to be processed

   <drogersuk> [19] is the link for BONDI


   <tlr> welcome back to a former co-chair of one of the previous
   incarnations of this wG

   AB: Frederick mentioned his change on March 18
   ... and added to the latest ED
   ... any concerns or objections with FH's proposal or can we approve
   it as is?

[20] 2009JanMar/0830.html [21] signatures


[22] signatures

   MC: I approve

   AB: FH's proposal approved

DigSig: Remove DSAwithSHA1 requirement? Status of requirement R47
(Section 2)?

   AB: these issues are still open. Briefly, what is the plan to
   address them?

   FH: want to add an Note that XML Sec WG has not reached consensus on
   the algorithms for XML Sig 1.1
   ... I don't want to do anything rash here
   ... We need to get more feedback

   AB: support your proposal for the note

   <fjh> suggest to add editorial note along these lines:

   David: we are discussing this in OMTP
   ... different companies have different opinions
   ... Want to know if an IP check has been made?

   <fjh> The XML Security WG has not yet achieved consensus on required
   algorithms in XML SIgnature 1.1, in particular whether to mandate

   FH: WGs don't do patent checks
   ... but we have talked about it
   ... We have conflicting info
   ... The risk may not be too bad but I am Not a Lawyer
   ... We are certainly seeking feedback
   ... I also noted T-Mobile's comments on this

   David: the concern is some members have interest along the ell.
   ... but please be advised this could be a complicated area
   ... re IPR issues

   <fjh> continued editors note text - The XML Security WG is
   requesting feedback on their FPWD of XML SIgnature 1.1 and feedback
   for algorithms related to Widget Signature is also requested.

   TLR: we know their are Claims of IPR issues
   ... I am not aware of any disclosures within the XML Sec WG
   ... We do not have knowledge of patents
   ... Some WG members want ell curves and some do not
   ... This is complicated area; we are trying to navigate the space
   with some incomplete data

   David: the concern is some NON-members have interest

   <fjh> thomas notes ability to do interop may impact whether elliptic
   curve becomes mandatory or not

   David: just because W3C members have not declared interest doesn't
   mean non-members don't have concerns

   <fjh> in other words, if sufficient participation in interop happens

   AB: David, Thomas pelase enter your comments directly into the IRC

   David: can't pretend there is no problem there

   AB: what do you think we should do?

   David: need to think what to do if there are patents

   FH: don't think we can make progress on this on today's call

   David: want a firm action

   AB: proposal?

   David: want XML Sec WG to pursue this

   TLR: then you should join the XML Sec WG

   David: how do I do that?

   TLR: send your comment to the XML Sec WG's mail list

   FH: need an email with specific comments

   David: OMTP operators will submit their own comments
   ... these minutes serve as a record

   FH: these minutes won't help that much
   ... an e-mail to XML Sec WG wold be best

   TLR: if OMTP members send the comments to public-webapps that might
   be good enough

   <drogersuk> OK, no problem - as minuted the OMTP members have been
   asked to individually respond

   FH: emails are much easier for me to communicate with my WG than

   <tlr> drogersuk, I don't think you're disagreeing with what's
   actually going on

   <drogersuk> exactly :-)

   FH: I propose the text I suggested earlier

   David: I agree

   AB: any objections to FH's earlier proposed text?

   [ None ]

DigSig: Suggest removing the restatement of algorithm requirements in
section 7.1, specifically remove #5a and #5b.


[23] 2009JanMar/0827.html

   AB: Frederick posted a proposal on March 18
   ... any concerns or objections with FH's proposal or can we approve
   it as is?

[24] 2009JanMar/0827.html)

   FH: this is pretty straight forward
   ... I've done some rewording

   AB: any comments, concerns?

   [ None]

   AB: we can consider this proposal approved

DigSig: reference widgets packaging zip relative path

   AB: Frederick made a proposal re checking the validity of relative
   paths in a signature

[25] 2009JanMar/0824.html


[26] 2009JanMar/0787.html

   AB: Thomas then responded with a question about the "interaction"
   between FH's proposal and TLR's "and a manifest approach for URI
   ... let's start with FH's proposal - any comments or concerns? let's
   start with FH's proposal - any comments or concerns?

   <tlr> (postponing that question is what I was about to suggest)

   FH: I added an additional constraint
   ... I think the intent before was implied but this is now explicit
   ... Marcos helped me with this

   AB: any objections to approving FH's proposal?

   [ None ]

   AB: consider this approved
   ... TLR, what about the interaction issue?

   TLR: agree we should defer to mail list
   ... need to decide the URI issue separately
   ... but wanted to make it clear we need to make a decision

   FH: we may need to do some tweaking with the References
   ... e.g. flesh out the constraints

   TLR: agree; but must first decide on derefencing URI model

DigSig: Are we ready to approve the publication of a new WD?

   <fjh> but this would be very localized within widget signature spec

   AB: the last time we published the DigSig spec was April 2008. Since
   then, we have made significant changes and improvements. It may not
   be perfect yet but I propose a new WD be published next week.

   FH: I think I have addressed all of the comments on the list
   ... If I missed anything, please speak up
   ... I am ready for a new WD

   MC: after FH makes his changes I have a few minor Editorial changes
   to make

   FH: can you do the publrules?

   MC: yes

   AB: any objections to a new WD?

   FH: what needs to be done?

   AB: you and MC make your changes; telll me and I'll submit the pub

   RESOLUTION: after FH incorporates the latest agreements, we will
   publish a new WD of the Widgets DigSig spec

P&C spec: should the config file be mandatory?

   AB: On March 9, Marcos proposed via
   79.html that the config file be mandatory. We had a short discussion
   about this during our March 12 VC but came to no resolution
   ([28] Let's
   take a few minutes and try to get a resolution on this question.
   ... Marcos, where do we stand on this?

[27] 2009JanMar/0679.html

   MC: I'd like to hear others

   RB: my only objection was lack of use cases
   ... but Mark indicates it would help with localization

   MC: do you support the localization model proposed by Mark?

   RB: yes; may need some tweaking

   MC: but that would be significant changes
   ... that new model changes a lot of stuff in the P&C spec

   RB: there were some other issues with the loc model

   MC: think this is over engineering

   RB: since Mark just sent this email may want some more review time

   MC: Mark's proposal says must identify which elements and attrs can
   be localized
   ... the model for the UA becomes more complicated

   AB: can we separate these two issues?

   MC: agree it should be mandatory

   RB: it should mandatory if there is a good reasons

   TLR: should be mandatory if good reasons and l10n and uri deref are
   good reasons

   BS: should it be mandatory?

   RB: I can live with it

   AB: are there any objections to the config file being mandatory?

   [ None]

   RESOLUTION: the config file will be Mandatory

   BS: need to work on the l10n model
   ... appears Mark's proposal will address the issue

   AB: let's followup on the mail list re Mark's proposal and drop the
   discussion today

   BS: where is the complexity Marcos?

   MC: implementing and authoring

   BS: think it helps with implementing

P&C: <option>s on <feature>s

   AB: on March 18 Marcos proposed a new <option> element
   16.html This resulted in some interesting discussion including the
   issue "Are We Done Yet?" i.e. should we take on new features when
   the spec is already in Last Call. Since Marcos and I had a related
   discussion in IRC yesterday, it isn't surprising that others were
   asking the same question.
   ... let's start with the proposal. Marcos, briefly what are you
   proposing and does Opera consider it a show stopper for v1?

[29] 2009JanMar/0816.html

   MC: we need a way to parameterize features
   ... can use a URI scheme
   ... another way is more author friendly using name/value attribute
   ... Arve gave a better example

   RB: I think this is a good feature but not sure it is essential

   AB: so is this a show stopper for v1?

   MC: yes, I think we need it
   ... but I don't think it is super complicated

   AB: so it is important but not criticial enough to block P&C?

   MC: yes, that basically true

P&C spec: status of P&C LC comment handling; next steps

   AB: during the Paris f2f meeting we agreed to publish a new LC WD in
   March ([30]
   Another issue is that the comment tracking document for LC #1 is
   ... let's start with "what must be done before LC #2 can be

[31] widgets-20081222/

   MC: #1 - the l10n model
   ... need to factor in Jere's model; we've had some discussions
   ... currently this is a show stopper
   ... #2 - need to specify <options> if we are going to specify that
   ... #3 <access> - hard and significant
   ... #4 - <update> element is in flux because of the related patent

   RB: what about URI dereferecing?

   MC: that does not affect the P&C spec

   MC; #5 - step 3 - the new l10n model affects this

   scribe: #6 - step 5 - affected by l10n changes and other things
   ... #7 - step 7 - need to add <preference> element and the
   <screenshot> element

   MC: if we add Mark's proposal, just about every part of step #7
   would need to change
   ... I removed the nested feature element for v1
   ... #8 - update the RelaxNG schema
   ... also need to address one last LC #1 comment

   AB: who can volunteer to help with these?

   RB: what specific items do you seek help Marcos?

   MC: I'll take help on any of these

   RB: I'll take feature and screenshot

   AB: thanks Robin

   RB: the schema work can be done in CR

   <Bryan> dropping off now

   <darobin> ACTION: RB to handle <feature> and <screenshot> for next
   week [recorded in

   <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - RB

   <darobin> ACTION: Robin to handle <feature> and <screenshot> for
   next week [recorded in

   <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Robin

   <darobin> ACTION: darobin to handle <feature> and <screenshot> for
   next week [recorded in

   <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - darobin

   <darobin> RESOLUTION: we are feature complete

   <drogersuk> Let me take this back to OMTP first

   <darobin> AB: anyone obejct to not taking in any new features?

   <darobin> DR: want to check with OMTP that feature-freeze is okay

   <darobin> AB: okay

   <darobin> AB: Marcos, what's the time frame?

   <darobin> AB: end of the month

   <darobin> AB: thanks a lot

   <darobin> AB: will look into extending this to 90min

   <darobin> ADJOURNED

   <darobin> TR: what's the time for this call? we're in DST confusion

   <DKA> Thanks!

   <darobin> AB: the frame of reference is 0900 W3C Time (formerly
   known as Boston time)

   <darobin> a pleasure ArtB :)

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: darobin to handle <feature> and <screenshot> for next
   week [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: RB to handle <feature> and <screenshot> for next week
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Robin to handle <feature> and <screenshot> for next
   week [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

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