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Giovanni Campagna wrote:
> As far as I understand from this discussion and from the linked posts,
> there are currently three database types and their respective query
> languages:
> - relational databases and SQL
> - Ecmascript objects and JSONQuery
> - XML databases and XQuery
> Each one has its own merits: for example XML allows to use XML
> serialization and DOM, relational databases allow great masses of data
> with fast indexing, ES object allow for both typed and untyped
> (object) data. In addition, each one has its own community of
> followers.
> So why not adding a parameter on openDatabase() to specify what kind
> of database we want (and what kind of query language we will use)?
> I mean something like
> openDatabase(name, version, type, displayName, estimatedSize)
> where type can be any string
> so, for example, type = "sql" uses the standard SQL, type="sqlite"
> uses SQLite extensions, type="-vendor-xyz" is a vendor specific
> extension, etc.
I think you would have to take the "lite" out the db name ;). I would
think supporting three completely different data paradigms and three
different query languages would be a large system.

Also, just a clarification, our JSON/JS-oriented object style storage
system in Persevere that uses JSONQuery has fully indexed tables, so
it achieves the some level of scalability for querying massive tables
(using JSONQuery) as its relational counterparts (that use SQL). I
don't know of any scalability advantage to SQL. The same may be true
of XQuery, I haven't dealt with XML dbs.

- --
Kris Zyp
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