
thanks for a lucid and thorough widget I18N model proposal. This should really 
help all concerned to come to agreement about how widgets should be 
internationalized and localized. Also in this case I18N turned out to be more 
than many perhaps thought it would, but the effort is worth it, given the 
importance of being able to present widgets in the user's language.

I've taken a first look at the proposal document (rev1.19 as of April 15); 
please accept a few comments.

Wrt PROPOSAL A2, I would strongly recommend that the single language tag be 
non-empty. There is always some default language that can be retrieved or 
derived. Allowing an empty language tag serves no purpose, and really just 
complicates matters.

Wrt PROPOSAL A1, the same thing applies. The language tag list should be 
non-empty. Although I'm not convinced that multiple language tags are of value. 
In this context, it should also be noted that the same widget probably 
shouldn't use content labeled with two or more completely disjoint language 
tags. At least the language must be a common denominator, even if subtags 
differ. So there should never be a case where the user's preferred language 
list is used naively when locating resources that are not found. (Example from 
A1 shows "en-us,en,fr,*" -- in this case if you want resource X but it is not 
found for 'en-us' or 'en', then you shouldn't go looking for an 'fr' version of 

In "The widget's locale", the first question strikes me as odd. The localizable 
materials in the configuration document and in the folders seem like disjoint 
enough that there is no issue of mixing those two. The widget's locale is the 
same for both, as it is determined from the UA locale. If there are no entries 
for the widget's locale in the config file, or if there is no relevant folder 
content, then a fallback/default is used.

The second question should be simple enough: the widget's locale should be 
represented as a single language tag, based on the UA locale. If there are 
indeed multiple preferred languages, in the order of pereference, then it is 
the first one.

IMHO there shouldn't be any overlap between folder content and config document. 
They serve different purposes: the config document has mostly housekeeping 
data, whereas folder content is presented to the user dynamically at runtime. 
This is why I don't like PROPOSAL B3. The locale for both config elements and 
folders must be the same.

My preference is clearly to have one well-defined, non-empty language tag 
represent the widget's locale. If there are no config elements or folder 
content for that, then there must be fallback elements / content that is not 
tagged with anything, and that serves as the default data. Note that this is 
different from what is described in PROPOSAL C1. Unlocalized content can and 
should be used even if there is a derived widget locale, because somebody just 
didn't provide localized content for that particular language tag. I think 
PROPOSAL C3 is the closest to this approach, but it considers the widget locale 
to be more than one language tag.

Neither PROPOSAL D1 or D2 says exactly what I at least would like. PROPOSAL D2 
comes close, but any resources that are not tagged with a language tag (i.e. 
are default resources) should probably go in the 'locales' folder. However, it 
doesn't really matter where they are found, so if it is OK to place arbitrary 
files in the root of the widget anyway, then the defaults might just as well be 

Regarding xml:base, PROPOSAL E1 is the most sensible one. This is what 
Dashboard must be doing also, although someone more intimate with WebKit might 
want to have a look there. However, the issue of the subtags complicate things 
a bit: if you really want to find resources that are not available for the most 
specific tag, but could exist for a less specific tag, then it is not enough to 
have just a static xml:base, but additional processing rules for resource 
access are needed. If subtags are not honoured, and the language tag must 
always be an exact match, then a static xml:base would be enough, I guess. I 
don't know where we currently stand on the subtag issue, but it seems like an 
important use case.

Hope I've added at least some value to the discussion. It might be good to ask 
other WG members to provide their explicit preferences about the different 
proposals, or at least input such as I have. I hope and think you can extract 
some of my preferences from above.

Best regards,

On 3.4.2009 18.02, "ext Marcos Caceres" <> wrote:

Hi Addison,

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 4:38 PM, Phillips, Addison <> wrote:
> Hello Webapps,
> Thanks for the response. Is there is a new draft or editor's copy where these 
> changes are made?

Yes, see [1]; but we are still working out the details. As this change
caused some radical changes in the spec, I am still working out how to
make the processing model work. I'm currently working on a separate
document that outlines the complete solution for discussion [2]. I can
send it to i18n for discussion once I'm done writing it. I would
prefer to have consensus on a solution before I add anything else to
the spec.

Kind regards,

[2] (unfinished draft!)
Marcos Caceres

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