Hi Garrett.

Cameron McCormack:
> > We could certainly add similar language for the Java language binding
> > section too, though I think there’s less scope for those conversions to
> > throw exceptions (maybe ones like OutOfMemoryException).

Garrett Smith:
> I'm not sure, but I think you might have meant OutOfMemoryError.

Yep that’s what I meant.

> All Errors are unchecked in Java.


> Java also has unchecked exceptions, though unlike Errors there are
> exceptions that are checked at compile-time (checked exceptions).
> All of the dom exceptions are runtime exceptions. (TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR,
> for example)

Yeah, I’ve made those exceptions extend RuntimeException.

> Which languages don't throw unchecked exceptions?

C, for example, which doesn’t have exceptions at all.

> > Until (unless) somebody writes up a Web IDL language binding for
> > Objective-C, the best you can hope for is for Obj-C implementations to
> > do something “sensible”.
> Like throw a runtime error?

Perhaps; I don’t know Obj-C so I couldn’t say.

Cameron McCormack ≝ http://mcc.id.au/

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