Hi, Nikunj-

Nikunj Mehta wrote (on 4/24/09 2:24 AM):

On Apr 23, 2009, at 1:04 PM, Doug Schepers wrote:

Rather than change the charter (which would require everyone who's
already rejoined to re-rejoin at the simplest, and might require
another AC review at the worst), Nikunj offered that he would be
satisfied if more generic wording were put in the charter, and
highlighted as an issue.

Sorry, typo... I meant to say, "if more generic wording were put in the *spec*". (Depending on the outcome of the WG's decision on the matter, we could change the charter language during our next rechartering, too, if necessary.)

To be precise, I suggested that we can table the charter issue for now,
and emphasize in the spec that we haven't finalized SQL as the only
structured storage access solution.

Yes, thanks for the correction... my original sentence didn't make much sense. :)

Preferably, the current Section 4
would be renamed as
Structured Storage

with the following wording in it:
The working group is currently debating whether SQL is the right
abstraction for structured storage.

So, the phrase above is already in the spec... the only thing you're asking now is for Section 4 to be renamed, right? Seems pretty minor.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

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