It's probably worthwhile to be more explicit about the requirements here: In Guido's and my discussion, we assumed a requirement to have persistent storage that might be available to *all* instances of a widget. That's different from per-instance storage which could indeed be solved easily within the currently proposed framework.

I'm not sure whether the current requirements document actually answers this question.
Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

On 24 Apr 2009, at 18:02, Scott Wilson wrote:

In our system when a widget is instantiated we generate our own instance hashes which we append to the widget URL as a parameter, and our Storage implementation uses this parameter when it needs to make a request back to our prefs web service to load preferences, or to set a preference.

I imagine any UA would put a similar mechanism in place in its Storage implementation to sandbox the preferences for widget instances; does that need to be specified?

On 24 Apr 2009, at 09:37, Arve Bersvendsen wrote:

On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 20:17:07 +0200, Thomas Roessler <> wrote:

Guido Grassel is reminding me that the HTML5 storage API keys off
origin. Thy means another wrinkle or the uri scheme/origin discussion.

Note that only the instantiations of storage, through the localStorage and sessionStorage, are using origin. The storage interface itself does not, so I do not see any immediate consequences with regards to preferences or any uri scheme discussion.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

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