On Apr 29, 2009, at 10:16 AM, ext Robin Berjon wrote:

There are multiple options:

  b) we select an order of priority and we only consider one (the
first to match);


I don't have a strong opinion on this, but I do I have a preference
for a rule based on (b): if multiple locale subdirectories have the
same case-insensitive name, then the one that comes first in ASCII-
code order (e.g. in order: EN, En, eN, en) is used and the others are

The argument in favour of only using one is that we already have to
merge multiple directories, and adding one merge operation for what is
in all probability a user error seems like too much complexity for
little value (I'm happy to be contradicted by implementers however).
Picking ASCII-code order is based on the fact that the directory names
must be ASCII here (the others must be discarded), and picking the
first is arbitrary.


b) seems like a reasonable choice. I wonder if the I18N WG has any related guidelines recommendations we should consider.

-Regards, Art Barstow

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